New Braintree, Massachusetts Horse Directory
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Greengate Farms LLC
150 Bernard Whitney Road
New Braintree, MA 01531
Internationally known breeding farm standing Hanoverian bloodlines Werbellin, Donarweiss and jumping stallion Cadbury by Contendro. Imported and domestic mares and foals. Young horses for breeding and riding. Mare station. Boarding & training weanlings - 3 year olds.
White Spruce FarmsNew Braintree, MA 01531
(508) 867-8613
(508) 867-3472
greengatestud@aol.comInternationally known breeding farm standing Hanoverian bloodlines Werbellin, Donarweiss and jumping stallion Cadbury by Contendro. Imported and domestic mares and foals. Young horses for breeding and riding. Mare station. Boarding & training weanlings - 3 year olds.

Visit White Spruce Farms' Facebook Page
560 Gilbertville Road
New Braintree, MA 01531
(413) 477-6923 Stables and Horse Farms
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