Thompsonville, Michigan Horse Directory
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Betsie River Appaloosas
3213 S Carmean Rd
Thompsonville, MI 49683
We are raising beautiful Foundation Appaloosas for all to enjoy here at Betsie River Appaloosas. Handled from birth till they go to their new homes. Take a look and see what we are offering. Most of our training is done on the ranch and on the trails of Michigan. We are expecting 2 foals in 2009, and that may be it for a spell. I'm wanting to get my up and coming mares going as well as our young stud.
Please stop by our website and visit for a bit. Drop a line and let us know what you think.
Appy Trails to you
Thompsonville, MI 49683
(231) 649-2221
appaloosa@acegroup.ccWe are raising beautiful Foundation Appaloosas for all to enjoy here at Betsie River Appaloosas. Handled from birth till they go to their new homes. Take a look and see what we are offering. Most of our training is done on the ranch and on the trails of Michigan. We are expecting 2 foals in 2009, and that may be it for a spell. I'm wanting to get my up and coming mares going as well as our young stud.
Please stop by our website and visit for a bit. Drop a line and let us know what you think.
Appy Trails to you
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