Berrien County, Michigan Horse Directory
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CL PaintsRonora Lodge / Redtail Equine Center
PO Box 111
9325 Dwight Boyer Rd
Watervliet, MI 49098
Redtail Equine Center is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing equine assisted learning and team-building experiences through interactive, experiential activities with horses. Through the horse-human connection, opportunities for personal growth and development are created.
Hobby-Horse is a horseplay program developed for children, both individuals and groups. It utilizes the natural curiosity of children and the love they have for horses. It focuses on experiential learning: learning by doing. When presented with a unique set of challenges designed specifically for each learner, children will practice following multi-step directions, while utilizing higher order thinking skills and problem-solving strategies. So often parents ask - how can we teach problem-solving? Here is the answer - through equine assistance.
- improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills
- strengthen listening skills
- improve self confidence and self esteem
- attain immediate, honest, observable feedback with cause and effect situations
Work Horse is a program developed for any team or group of people interested in determining and improving their effectiveness. Whether it is a corporate, educational, or familial group, team-building works to improve your group's dynamics. It emphasizes leadership, communication, and goal-setting skills through meaningful activities where the horses assist in creating obstacles and challenges that require teamwork strategies. While teams work together they will clearly see the cause and effect relationships brought to the surface by their equine partners.
- define roles and responsibilities
- identify and attain personal goals
- team member effectiveness
- work with different personalities
- problem solving
- creative thinking
- practice effective communication skills
We Can Ride 4-H ClubMeadow Grove Equestrian Center9325 Dwight Boyer Rd
Watervliet, MI 49098
(269) 463-6315
(269) 621-5059
ronoralodge@msn.comRedtail Equine Center is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing equine assisted learning and team-building experiences through interactive, experiential activities with horses. Through the horse-human connection, opportunities for personal growth and development are created.
Hobby-Horse is a horseplay program developed for children, both individuals and groups. It utilizes the natural curiosity of children and the love they have for horses. It focuses on experiential learning: learning by doing. When presented with a unique set of challenges designed specifically for each learner, children will practice following multi-step directions, while utilizing higher order thinking skills and problem-solving strategies. So often parents ask - how can we teach problem-solving? Here is the answer - through equine assistance.
- improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills
- strengthen listening skills
- improve self confidence and self esteem
- attain immediate, honest, observable feedback with cause and effect situations
Work Horse is a program developed for any team or group of people interested in determining and improving their effectiveness. Whether it is a corporate, educational, or familial group, team-building works to improve your group's dynamics. It emphasizes leadership, communication, and goal-setting skills through meaningful activities where the horses assist in creating obstacles and challenges that require teamwork strategies. While teams work together they will clearly see the cause and effect relationships brought to the surface by their equine partners.
- define roles and responsibilities
- identify and attain personal goals
- team member effectiveness
- work with different personalities
- problem solving
- creative thinking
- practice effective communication skills
St Joseph, MI 49085
Full service boarding and training facility that offers boarding, training, lessons, sales, clinics and camps.
(269) 428-0122
(269) 208-2101
tim@meadowgroveonline.comFull service boarding and training facility that offers boarding, training, lessons, sales, clinics and camps.
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