Jackson County, Michigan Horse Directory
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B&J Horse Farm LLC

Visit B&J Horse Farm LLC's Facebook Page
Jackson, MI 49201
B&J Horse Farm LLC, a full service horse boarding facility, has been a family owned business for over 16 years. Twenty one stall facility with professional, friendly environment. All stalls have rubber matted flooring. Indoor washbay, restroom in main barn, dust free indoor arena, large outdoor arena, and multiple pastures. Excellent feeding program and much more.
Hippotherapy, therapeutic riding, and other services in Grass Lake and Tecumseh, Michigan.
Whole Horse Veterinary Serviceswww.rightsteptherapy.com/
3906 Seymour Rd
Jackson, MI 49201
Whole Horse Vet Services is a mobile equine practice serving Jackson, Washtenaw and Southern Ingham counties.
We offer a full range of equine services including stall-side digital xray, U/S and endoscopy. Emergency services are available 24/7.
Whole Horse Veterinary ServicesJackson, MI 49201
(517) 474-4050
(517) 764-7710
Whole Horse Vet Services is a mobile equine practice serving Jackson, Washtenaw and Southern Ingham counties.
We offer a full range of equine services including stall-side digital xray, U/S and endoscopy. Emergency services are available 24/7.

Visit Whole Horse Veterinary Services' Facebook Page
3906 Seymour Rd
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 474-4050
info@wholehorsevetservices.comWe are a full-service mobile equine clinic serving Jackson, Washtenaw, and Ingham counties. We offer a full range of equine medical services, as well as emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
15126 US 12
Brooklyn, MI 49230
Breeding classic type Morgan Horses.
Richmond Riverside RanchB&J Horse BoardingBrooklyn, MI 49230
(517) 592-8761
mtntopmorgans@frontiernet.netBreeding classic type Morgan Horses.
Jackson, MI 49201
B&J Horse Farm is a full service horse boarding facility. We offer an excellent feeding program and no fee for feeding owner supplied supplements. All horses on site are on a barn vaccination and worming program.
(517) 569-3027
b_jhorses@yahoo.comB&J Horse Farm is a full service horse boarding facility. We offer an excellent feeding program and no fee for feeding owner supplied supplements. All horses on site are on a barn vaccination and worming program.
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