New Baltimore, Michigan Horse Directory
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Chesterfield Farrier ServiceFiber Luxe Horse Blanket Cleaning & Repair
New Baltimore, MI 48047
Fiber Luxe is a full service equine laundry and repair operation serving all of Michigan and surrounding states. Exceptional workmanship and service. Free pick up and delivery to qualifying farms and locations. Free storage bag. We also clean saddle pads, coolers, rain sheets and polo wraps. No extra hidden charges for vacuuming or especially soiled items. Call toll free anytime to set up pick up. Quick turn around time. Large farms are our specialty.
(800) 334-1994
(810) 614-1383
flblnakets@comcast.netFiber Luxe is a full service equine laundry and repair operation serving all of Michigan and surrounding states. Exceptional workmanship and service. Free pick up and delivery to qualifying farms and locations. Free storage bag. We also clean saddle pads, coolers, rain sheets and polo wraps. No extra hidden charges for vacuuming or especially soiled items. Call toll free anytime to set up pick up. Quick turn around time. Large farms are our specialty.
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