Coopersville, Michigan Horse Directory
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1136 W. Randall St
Coopersville, MI 49404
InGait has affordable equine supplies, horse tack, saddles, and other equestrian products.
Sycamore Lane Inc.Coopersville, MI 49404
(616) 997-0277
(616) 292-3787
sales@ingait.comInGait has affordable equine supplies, horse tack, saddles, and other equestrian products.
Coopersville, MI 49404
Sycamore Lane Inc. provides quality farrier services for Michigan and the surrounding states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Call Mike Schoenborn at 616-889-7579.
Therapeutic Horsemanship of West MI(616) 889-7579
mike@sycamorelaneinc.comSycamore Lane Inc. provides quality farrier services for Michigan and the surrounding states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Call Mike Schoenborn at 616-889-7579.

Visit Therapeutic Horsemanship of West MI's Facebook Page
18095 68th Avenue
Coopersville, MI 49404
(616) 450-1690
thwm12@gmail.comOffers equine-facilitated activities to special-needs persons and at-risk youth. Trains therapy horses for the industry.
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