Clyde, Michigan Horse Directory
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Horse Boarding
4065 Abbotsford Road
Clyde, MI 48049
Large stalls with mats cleaned daily using Equine Fresh and PDZ, 50 x 100 indoor arena, large outdoor arena, round pen, and heated observation room. Pasture board also available. Close to Wadhams to Avoca Trail; 5 mins from Animal Inspection for crossing into Canada.
Clyde, MI 48049
(810) 434-7332
joleenz@comcast.netLarge stalls with mats cleaned daily using Equine Fresh and PDZ, 50 x 100 indoor arena, large outdoor arena, round pen, and heated observation room. Pasture board also available. Close to Wadhams to Avoca Trail; 5 mins from Animal Inspection for crossing into Canada.
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