Burr Oak, Michigan Horse Directory
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Jenny Pierucki, Horse Show Judge
414 N Fifth Street
Burr Oak, MI 49030
Seventeen years of judging experience with all breeds and disciplines. I hold cards with Michigan, Wisconsin, New England, USEF-Morgan, POAC, ASPC/AMHR/ASPR, TWHBEA, UMH/AGMH, AHHA, GVHS, and GHRA. I love to travel and enjoy any size show.
Burr Oak, MI 49030
(269) 489-5500
(269) 625-1222
Seventeen years of judging experience with all breeds and disciplines. I hold cards with Michigan, Wisconsin, New England, USEF-Morgan, POAC, ASPC/AMHR/ASPR, TWHBEA, UMH/AGMH, AHHA, GVHS, and GHRA. I love to travel and enjoy any size show.
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