Van Buren County, Michigan Horse Directory
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Cedar Lodge Stables

Visit Cedar Lodge Stables' Facebook Page
47000 52nd Street
Lawrence, MI 49064
(269) 674-8071
(269) 674-8072
info@cedarlodge.comWe are a day/resident camp for boys and girls, a boarding stable, and a hunter jumper show and training barn with a strong vaulting program. We have weekend programs to fit everyone. We have over 80 acres that are wooded, hilly, open, and include a 13 acre lake for swimming and fishing. Stop by and visit anytime!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Vaulting Stables
- Horse Training Stables
P O Box 128
100 60th Ave
Hartford, MI 49057
Ricks Tack & Stagecoach Embroidery is a complete tack store with in house embroidery, decal, & other options. We specialize in custom embroidery halters and year end awards. We carry some of the most popular brands of supplies at reasonable prices. Please feel free to visit our site and register for our regular e-mail specials. Our mission is to make your shopping a pleasant experience. We have been in business 20 years and invite you to stop in our store or visit us at most local equine events on our mobile unit.
Willow Tree Equestrian CenterRaven's Ranch100 60th Ave
Hartford, MI 49057
(269) 621-3069
stagecoachemb@yahoo.comRicks Tack & Stagecoach Embroidery is a complete tack store with in house embroidery, decal, & other options. We specialize in custom embroidery halters and year end awards. We carry some of the most popular brands of supplies at reasonable prices. Please feel free to visit our site and register for our regular e-mail specials. Our mission is to make your shopping a pleasant experience. We have been in business 20 years and invite you to stop in our store or visit us at most local equine events on our mobile unit.
Bangor, MI 49013
We are a small farm located in VanBuren County, MI, who prides ourselves in quality animals. We also have a small business making homemade leather crafts and making/repairing tack.
(269) 214-8723
raven_reed@hermanmiller.comWe are a small farm located in VanBuren County, MI, who prides ourselves in quality animals. We also have a small business making homemade leather crafts and making/repairing tack.
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