Ann Arbor, Michigan Horse Directory
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Hedge and Turf Farm North
7583 Warren Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Hedge and Turf Farm is a family owned horse boarding and riding equestrian facility with easy access to the local freeways and just outside of downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan. We specialize in horse boarding, training, lessons, and local & international horse sales (warmbloods, Thoroughbreds, & ponies). Our focus is training the horse and rider, from beginners to very advanced. We are locally and nationally known for our excellence and success with hunters, jumpers, ponies, and equitation. The commitment of our professional staff is to teach horsemanship, horse management, and horse care to adults and children who are interested in a quality equine learning experience. Our training focuses on safety, positive reinforcement, compassion, responsibility, sportsmanship, success, and fun!
Michigan Abilities Center - MACAnn Arbor, MI 48105
(313) 562-8307
David@hedgeandturf.comHedge and Turf Farm is a family owned horse boarding and riding equestrian facility with easy access to the local freeways and just outside of downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan. We specialize in horse boarding, training, lessons, and local & international horse sales (warmbloods, Thoroughbreds, & ponies). Our focus is training the horse and rider, from beginners to very advanced. We are locally and nationally known for our excellence and success with hunters, jumpers, ponies, and equitation. The commitment of our professional staff is to teach horsemanship, horse management, and horse care to adults and children who are interested in a quality equine learning experience. Our training focuses on safety, positive reinforcement, compassion, responsibility, sportsmanship, success, and fun!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables

7286 W Ellsworth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
(734) 622-9500
MACinfo@MichiganAbilitiesCenter.orgThe Michigan Abilities Center (MAC) provides innovative, enjoyable, and rewarding state of the art equine assisted therapy, learning, and wellness programs that focus on strengths and abilities, not disabilities. MAC's therapy programs are customized to achieve meaningful goals, improve function, promote wellness, enhance self-esteem, and empower children, adolescents, and adults who have physical, mental, emotional, or learning challenges.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Custom blanket care. Horse blanket cleaning and repair service in southeast Michigan. We clean and repair all types of horse laundry!
Scio Church Stables(734) 747-7747
colette@hickscleaners.comCustom blanket care. Horse blanket cleaning and repair service in southeast Michigan. We clean and repair all types of horse laundry!
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Hunter / Jumper & dressage facility. All ages and levels, showing available (barn shows & MHJA). Boarding and leasing available. Day camps & clinics offered year round. Large facility with many amenities. Professional staff and family fri
Stellar Show Clothes(734) 995-5600
scs@sciochurchstables.comHunter / Jumper & dressage facility. All ages and levels, showing available (barn shows & MHJA). Boarding and leasing available. Day camps & clinics offered year round. Large facility with many amenities. Professional staff and family fri
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Stellar Show Clothes offers unique, affordable, custom and ready made horse show outfits for the western exhibitor.
Windy Ridge(734) 223-9685
stella@StellarShowClothes.comStellar Show Clothes offers unique, affordable, custom and ready made horse show outfits for the western exhibitor.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Windy Ridge is a quiet boarding barn located minutes from downtown Ann Arbor. We offer excellent care as well as indoor and outdoor arenas.
(734) 996-8084
stella@windyridgefarms.comWindy Ridge is a quiet boarding barn located minutes from downtown Ann Arbor. We offer excellent care as well as indoor and outdoor arenas.
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