Chippewa County, Minnesota Horse Directory
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Kruger Quarter Horses / Rocking K Horses
5045 50th Ave SE
Maynard, MN 56260
Kruger Quarter Horses has broke horses and cow breed horses for sale in Minnesota.
Cactus Quarter HorsesMaynard, MN 56260
(320) 367-2562
krugers_2000@yahoo.comKruger Quarter Horses has broke horses and cow breed horses for sale in Minnesota.
Maynard, MN 56260
We specialize in breeding and raising your next Quarter Horse.
Kurtzbein Paint & Quarter Horses(320) 367-2750
We specialize in breeding and raising your next Quarter Horse.
Montevideo, MN 56265
We are a small farm located in West Central Minnesota. We have been raising and showing APHA Paint horses for 12 years. During this time we have produced Superior halter, APHA Youth Champion, Futurity Champions and ROM performance and halter horses. Our emphasis is on the all around horse. Competitive in halter and performance. Check in with us for your next show prospect or a new trail companion!
(320) 269-5769
(320) 841-1252
dkurtzbein@mvtvwireless.comWe are a small farm located in West Central Minnesota. We have been raising and showing APHA Paint horses for 12 years. During this time we have produced Superior halter, APHA Youth Champion, Futurity Champions and ROM performance and halter horses. Our emphasis is on the all around horse. Competitive in halter and performance. Check in with us for your next show prospect or a new trail companion!
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