Clay County, Minnesota Horse Directory
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Ltl Twister Video Productions

Visit Ltl Twister Video Productions' Facebook Page
Barnesville, MN 56514
We provide professional, High Definition videography and video production services at equine events (barrel races, reined cow horse, reining, cutting, etc.) and for individuals and businesses for equine promotion and health. (We are a certified videographer with the NCHA.)
Did you feel like your horse wasn't acting or moving quite right during a show we video at? Our real time and slow motion videos are not only used to keep those awesome memories of great runs alive and be used as outstanding training tools, but also to help you, your horse, and their health providers determine the proper diagnosis... Just one video can and has saved many of our customers hundreds of dollars just because they were able to SHOW their veterinarian/equine chiropractor/farrier what their horse moved like instead of having to try to EXPLAIN it. A picture is worth a thousand words - a video tells the whole story! :)
5062 120th Ave N
Felton, MN 56536
1MT RanchCowhorses PlusFelton, MN 56536
(218) 359-0007
(701) 793-5153
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