Meeker County, Minnesota Horse Directory
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MRZ Farms
12308 Hy 4
Cosmos, MN 56228
Equine Dental Services provides non-veterinarian dental care to all types of equine thru routine periodic dental exams, maintenance, and whole mouth equilibration that starts at the incisors and follows thru to the last molar. I obtained Certified Equine Gnathologist status through the Equine Gnathology Training Institute, Glens Ferry, ID and am a certified Equine Teeth Floater through the state of Minnesota. I use only hand floats--no power tools--and have tools and speculums for large and miniature horses. References available upon request.
Cosmos, MN 56228
(320) 583-7636
mrzfarms@frontiernet.netEquine Dental Services provides non-veterinarian dental care to all types of equine thru routine periodic dental exams, maintenance, and whole mouth equilibration that starts at the incisors and follows thru to the last molar. I obtained Certified Equine Gnathologist status through the Equine Gnathology Training Institute, Glens Ferry, ID and am a certified Equine Teeth Floater through the state of Minnesota. I use only hand floats--no power tools--and have tools and speculums for large and miniature horses. References available upon request.
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