Eagle Bend, Minnesota Horse Directory
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Eagle Valley Appaloosas
Eagle Bend, MN 56446
Eagle Valley Appaloosas is a beautiful horse facility located near Eagle Bend, Minnesota. We have many well known Appaloosa bloodlines such as Dreamfinder and The Executive and also mare bloodlines like Goer, Absarokee, Prince Plaudit, Mighty Tim, The Sting and many others. Visit our website for a complete list of horses for sale.
(218) 738-5683
cindymae@midwestinfo.netEagle Valley Appaloosas is a beautiful horse facility located near Eagle Bend, Minnesota. We have many well known Appaloosa bloodlines such as Dreamfinder and The Executive and also mare bloodlines like Goer, Absarokee, Prince Plaudit, Mighty Tim, The Sting and many others. Visit our website for a complete list of horses for sale.
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