Buchanan County, Missouri Horse Directory
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Jackson Appaloosas
11100 Lower Dekalb
Saint Joseph, MO 64504
Harry & Shirley Jackson - Appaloosas in northwest Missouri. Horses for sale and stud service from our Appaloosa stallion in Missouri.
Perka Building FramesSaint Joseph, MO 64504
(816) 238-3059
showme_apps@msn.comHarry & Shirley Jackson - Appaloosas in northwest Missouri. Horses for sale and stud service from our Appaloosa stallion in Missouri.
Visit Perka Building Frames' Facebook Page
1111 Alabama St
Saint Joseph, MO 64504
(800) 467-3752
(800) GO-PERKA
perka@perka.comPerka provides quality prefab steel buildings at reasonable prices.
St Joseph, MO 64508
Bed & breakfast and horse hotel. Beautiful B and B located in the rolling hills of Missouri just minutes from I-29 with horse stalls, pasture, a paddock, a wash rack, and a small riding arena. Rates as of Nov 2010: $15.00 per night per horse with B and B booking. 25.00 per night per horse for horse accommodation only. Negative Coggins & West Nile required.
(816) 232-2974
albeecor@hotmail.comBed & breakfast and horse hotel. Beautiful B and B located in the rolling hills of Missouri just minutes from I-29 with horse stalls, pasture, a paddock, a wash rack, and a small riding arena. Rates as of Nov 2010: $15.00 per night per horse with B and B booking. 25.00 per night per horse for horse accommodation only. Negative Coggins & West Nile required.
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- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
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