Stoddard County, Missouri Horse Directory
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Sunset Hill Appaloosas

18582 State Highway M
Bloomfield, MO 63825
We are Foundation Appaloosa breeders who focus on the bloodlines of Frank Scripter, The Tobys, Topatchy, Patchy, Chief of Fourmile, Plaudit, and Red Eagle, and many others lines as well will be found in our Appaloosas. We breed for conformation, great temperament, athletic ability, and beautiful color! Our Appaloosa have been sold not only in the US, but also internationally. We have several horses who have the Indian Shuffle gait, which is an added bonus, because not only are these horses well suited for most any direction you wish to take them, but they also make great trail horses with this easy to sit gait. We almost always have foals and/or horses for sale and stand 3 stallions currently (May 2011). We believe that for quality and color, you don't need to look any further. We do believe in barter as well; if you have something that we need for our farm, we are willing to take it in on trade or partial trade for the horse you are interested in. Please see our web site for pics and info on our horses.
Dexter, MO 63841
Trims, shoes, and corrective work on anything from a mini to a draft.
(217) 549-1572
walker87a@yahoo.comTrims, shoes, and corrective work on anything from a mini to a draft.
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