Lincoln County, Montana Horse Directory
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825 Kelley Rd
Columbia Falls, MT 59912
30 Years' Experience. Specialize in lameness and founder problems. Humane and gentle; ground work specialist.
I cover all of Flathead County and most of Lincoln County.
Mirror KB RanchColumbia Falls, MT 59912
(406) 892-0280
(406) 253-8700
honthaas@centurylink.net30 Years' Experience. Specialize in lameness and founder problems. Humane and gentle; ground work specialist.
I cover all of Flathead County and most of Lincoln County.

Visit Mirror KB Ranch's Facebook Page
1132 Arabian Lane
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-6586
wranglers@mirrorkbranch.comProfessional equine photography, casual equestrian riding apparel, and gifts for the horse lover.
926 Curtis Road
Fortine, MT 59918
A unique Montana ranch vacation experience.
Fortine, MT 59918
(800) 847-5095
A unique Montana ranch vacation experience.
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