Adams County, Nebraska Horse Directory
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Heartland Veterinary Supply and Pharmacy
5052 West 12th Street
Hastings, NE 68901 carries all types of discount vet supply products. We carry pet and veterinary supplies for cats, dogs, horses such as heartworm prevention, antibiotics and vitamin and mineral supplements.
Best Little Horse House in Hastings, Inc., TheHastings, NE 68901
(800) 934-9398 carries all types of discount vet supply products. We carry pet and veterinary supplies for cats, dogs, horses such as heartworm prevention, antibiotics and vitamin and mineral supplements.
Hastings, NE 68901
We are a public non profit org. with 501(c)3 status by May 2007. We rescue, rehab, train, and adopt horses from bad situations into new homes. We have formal education in equine management. Donations are very appreciated, needed, and tax deductible.
(402) 461-6917
(719) 651-3749
equineconsultant@hotmail.comWe are a public non profit org. with 501(c)3 status by May 2007. We rescue, rehab, train, and adopt horses from bad situations into new homes. We have formal education in equine management. Donations are very appreciated, needed, and tax deductible.
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