Candia, New Hampshire Horse Directory
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Cartier Farms

Visit Cartier Farms' Facebook Page
PO Box 215
Candia, NH 03034
(603) 483-0171
cartierfarms@myfairpoint.netCartier Farms was founded in 1995 with the goal of providing the highest quality training and instruction to our clients. Our goal is to help teach horse and rider to work together in a positive and patient manner.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Horse Training Stables
- Judges
- Riding Instructors
774 High St
Candia, NH 03034
Enjoy fresh air and breath taking scenery when you come explore the trails at Charmingfare Farm. All levels of riding ability are encouraged to come enjoy this experience.
Before heading out onto the trails, all riders are given the opportunity to get acquainted with their horse. During this time, our trail guides makes sure every rider is comfortable, confident, and prepared for the trails.
Our picturesque trail rides pass through pasture meadows with grazing livestock and travel along old logging roads into the forest far away from the modern world. Once in the forest, riders have spotted native coyotes, fox, and wild turkeys; some guests have even been fortunate enough to see a moose. Be sure to bring a camera.
Griffinbrook, Ltd.Candia, NH 03034
(603) 483-5623
JOHN@CHARMINGFARE.COMEnjoy fresh air and breath taking scenery when you come explore the trails at Charmingfare Farm. All levels of riding ability are encouraged to come enjoy this experience.
Before heading out onto the trails, all riders are given the opportunity to get acquainted with their horse. During this time, our trail guides makes sure every rider is comfortable, confident, and prepared for the trails.
Our picturesque trail rides pass through pasture meadows with grazing livestock and travel along old logging roads into the forest far away from the modern world. Once in the forest, riders have spotted native coyotes, fox, and wild turkeys; some guests have even been fortunate enough to see a moose. Be sure to bring a camera.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Ranches and Vacations
- Carriages
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
174 Raymond Road
Candia, NH 03034
An emporium for the horse. A full-service tack shop with goods and services for all disciplines including show riding, trails, driving equipment, embroidery and cobbler services, custom work and more!
Candia, NH 03034
(603) 483-4833
griffinbrook@aol.comAn emporium for the horse. A full-service tack shop with goods and services for all disciplines including show riding, trails, driving equipment, embroidery and cobbler services, custom work and more!
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