Bergen County, New Jersey Horse Directory
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Arrow Wood FarmLower Cross FarmPony Power Therapies

Visit Pony Power Therapies' Facebook Page
1170 Ramapo Valley Rd
Mahwah, NJ 07430
(201) 934-1001
info@ponypowernj.orgTherapeutic Riding and Equine Assisted Activities.
Pony Power Therapies is a full service, full year facility dedicated to children and adults with special needs including physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders as well as victims of trauma and abuse and those battling life limiting and life threatening issues. Pony Power offers therapeutic riding, hippo therapy, horses for heroes Veterans' programming, stable insights equine assisted growth, and learning sessions which are unmounted. Pony Power boasts a state of the art fully accessible facility with an indoor arena.
695 Ramapo Valley Rd
Oakland, NJ 07436
Winter Haven Equestrian Center is located on 3.2 bucolic acres in the historic town of Oakland, NJ. We are family owned and operated since 2008. Our professionally licensed staff are friendly, extremely experienced, and well educated. We constantly strive to provide the best of care for your horse/pony, the most attentive lessons, and a very individualized training program for you as well as your horse/pony. We offer horse boarding, an indoor riding arena, a 1 acre grass Grand Prix field, lessons from beginner to advanced in hunters, jumpers, equitation, and dressage, full and half leases, sales, training, and horse showing. Feel free to call and set up an appointment to come by and tour the facility. Winter Haven Equestrian Center is based in the belief that the horse is truly a wonderful creature, and whatever it does in response to us is an absolute gift. We are firmly entrenched in tradition, respect for the sport, and those that have ventured before us.
Equine Thermal CareOakland, NJ 07436
(201) 644-7230
whegllc@gmail.comWinter Haven Equestrian Center is located on 3.2 bucolic acres in the historic town of Oakland, NJ. We are family owned and operated since 2008. Our professionally licensed staff are friendly, extremely experienced, and well educated. We constantly strive to provide the best of care for your horse/pony, the most attentive lessons, and a very individualized training program for you as well as your horse/pony. We offer horse boarding, an indoor riding arena, a 1 acre grass Grand Prix field, lessons from beginner to advanced in hunters, jumpers, equitation, and dressage, full and half leases, sales, training, and horse showing. Feel free to call and set up an appointment to come by and tour the facility. Winter Haven Equestrian Center is based in the belief that the horse is truly a wonderful creature, and whatever it does in response to us is an absolute gift. We are firmly entrenched in tradition, respect for the sport, and those that have ventured before us.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
Hillsdale, NJ 07642
Give your horse a voice with Infrared Thermal Imaging (IRT). If used as a first line of detection, IRT can quickly identify health problems in a horse's body. With one quick full-body equine thermography scan, IRT pinpoints pain points and inflammation, saving owners a lot of heartache, time, and money.
IRT simply maps all the musculoskeletal temperature variations radiating from a horse's body. Raised heat temperatures measured means trouble is brewing and quickly pinpoints and identifies inflammation, injuries, and their exact location. IRT is very accurate, convenient, quick, and extremely affordable. IRT can be used regularly to continually monitor a horse's health status.
IRT Can Detect the following:
- Evasive Lameness Issues
- Fractures
- Joint Issues
- Muscle Injury
- Ligament and Tendon Injury
- Circulation Problems
- Abscesses
- Infections
- Nerve Damage
- Sacroiliac Problems
- Kissing Spine
- Cervical Problems
- Hoof Issues, Infections, Imbalance, and Abscesses
- Dental problems
- Saddle fit issues, pinching and damage
- And more...
Do you need our help? Our Certified Veterinary Equine Thermographers will come right to your location so you don't have to travel and that stress to your horse is minimized. We will image your horse's entire body to locate those problem areas that you may not even be aware of. We'll even work with your vet, chiropractor, farrier, and saddle fitter if you'd like. IRT can help with acupuncture too! Our goal is to help you help your horse.
Service Area: New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania / NJ NY PA CT
Recommendation: Because equine thermography is not U.S. Government regulated, ALWAYS work with a Certified Veterinary Equine Thermographer. They will follow “Standards & Protocol” and use the DVM approved thermal equipment necessary for accurate imaging.
(201) 477-0009
(201) 390-0247
tdebon@equinethermalcare.comGive your horse a voice with Infrared Thermal Imaging (IRT). If used as a first line of detection, IRT can quickly identify health problems in a horse's body. With one quick full-body equine thermography scan, IRT pinpoints pain points and inflammation, saving owners a lot of heartache, time, and money.
IRT simply maps all the musculoskeletal temperature variations radiating from a horse's body. Raised heat temperatures measured means trouble is brewing and quickly pinpoints and identifies inflammation, injuries, and their exact location. IRT is very accurate, convenient, quick, and extremely affordable. IRT can be used regularly to continually monitor a horse's health status.
IRT Can Detect the following:
- Evasive Lameness Issues
- Fractures
- Joint Issues
- Muscle Injury
- Ligament and Tendon Injury
- Circulation Problems
- Abscesses
- Infections
- Nerve Damage
- Sacroiliac Problems
- Kissing Spine
- Cervical Problems
- Hoof Issues, Infections, Imbalance, and Abscesses
- Dental problems
- Saddle fit issues, pinching and damage
- And more...
Do you need our help? Our Certified Veterinary Equine Thermographers will come right to your location so you don't have to travel and that stress to your horse is minimized. We will image your horse's entire body to locate those problem areas that you may not even be aware of. We'll even work with your vet, chiropractor, farrier, and saddle fitter if you'd like. IRT can help with acupuncture too! Our goal is to help you help your horse.
Service Area: New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania / NJ NY PA CT
Recommendation: Because equine thermography is not U.S. Government regulated, ALWAYS work with a Certified Veterinary Equine Thermographer. They will follow “Standards & Protocol” and use the DVM approved thermal equipment necessary for accurate imaging.
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