Cape May County, New Jersey Horse Directory
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Cape May Carriage Company
641 Sunset Blvd
Cape May, NJ 08204
Weddings, private & public tours. The Cape May Carriage Company has been a part of Victorian Cape May since 1983. Tourist and residents alike have shared in the beauty of proud horses, fine carriages, and extraordinary tours detailing Cape May's historical streets.
Fidler Run FarmCape May, NJ 08204
(609) 884-4466
CapeMayCarriage@msn.comWeddings, private & public tours. The Cape May Carriage Company has been a part of Victorian Cape May since 1983. Tourist and residents alike have shared in the beauty of proud horses, fine carriages, and extraordinary tours detailing Cape May's historical streets.
456 Fidler Road
Woodbine, NJ 08270
Lesson program, USDF/USEF and schooling shows, and warmblood breeding.
Horsemanship 4 LifeWoodbine, NJ 08270
(609) 861-1057
Jrtnt@aol.comLesson program, USDF/USEF and schooling shows, and warmblood breeding.

Visit Horsemanship 4 Life's Facebook Page
574 New England Road
Cape May, NJ 08204
(215) 260-1962
Linda@horsemanship4life.comThe farm is home to and online academy for all disciplines. We have 10 stalls available for full time boarding and rehabilitation horses. In addition we have stalls for temporary boarding and over night stays.
Our unique facility houses a 100x200 indoor arena with an indoor 50 ft round pen. Outside training areas include a 180 ft honey comb and a full track around the pastures for canter work as well as jumps for event training in a controlled environment. We also have professional filming equipment to record clinics, lessons, and practice sessions which up load to the internet for those that are members of We welcome local equestrians to come and ride at our facility by appointment. We also house an equine spa featuring the Nautilus hot and cold salted water spa. Certified bodyworker on staff as well. We work with your veterinarian as well.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Equine Physical Therapy
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
Affiliate club of the United States Pony Club. Serving Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, Burlington, and Ocean counties. The club normally meets 2 times per month (1 mounted meeting, 1 unmounted meeting). Please go to our website; our events, policies, calendar, and instructions for joining are detailed.
Wristbridge Team, TheAffiliate club of the United States Pony Club. Serving Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, Burlington, and Ocean counties. The club normally meets 2 times per month (1 mounted meeting, 1 unmounted meeting). Please go to our website; our events, policies, calendar, and instructions for joining are detailed.
- Atlantic County, New Jersey
- Burlington County, New Jersey
- Cape May County, New Jersey
- Cumberland County, New Jersey
- Ocean County, New Jersey
Atco, NJ 08004
Horse properties and homes for sale in southern New Jersey. Residential re-sale and small to medium size horse properties. We serve a very large area including all of Burlington County, Camden County, Salem County, Gloucester County, and Atlantic County.
(609) 876-1095
(609) 876-5890
denney58@hotmail.comHorse properties and homes for sale in southern New Jersey. Residential re-sale and small to medium size horse properties. We serve a very large area including all of Burlington County, Camden County, Salem County, Gloucester County, and Atlantic County.
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