Flemington, New Jersey Horse Directory
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Aislin Fields - Horse Boarding
Flemington, NJ 08822
Small 7 acre stable has 12x12 matted stall or pasture board available. Loving care and family; laid back atmosphere. We treat your horses like our own! Two large grass orchard fields and one smaller paddock with run in shed. Stone dust arena with lights. Heated wash stalls and tack room.
$450 Full Board; $300 Pasture Board. Trainer also available for lessons.
Deer Run Hay Company(908) 202-4317
lisa@prestigiouspaw.comSmall 7 acre stable has 12x12 matted stall or pasture board available. Loving care and family; laid back atmosphere. We treat your horses like our own! Two large grass orchard fields and one smaller paddock with run in shed. Stone dust arena with lights. Heated wash stalls and tack room.
$450 Full Board; $300 Pasture Board. Trainer also available for lessons.
110 Amwell Road
Flemington, NJ 08822
We have a variety of types of hay and straw for sale: timothy, orchard grass, alfalfa, mixes, rye, and wheat straw. All hay professionally grown. Delivery available. Call for prices.
Desmelyk Farms LLCFlemington, NJ 08822
(732) 904-5137
deerrunhayco@gmail.comWe have a variety of types of hay and straw for sale: timothy, orchard grass, alfalfa, mixes, rye, and wheat straw. All hay professionally grown. Delivery available. Call for prices.
96 River Road
Flemington, NJ 08822
Daily horse stall cleaning and manure removal service.
Stall Cleaning:
• Scheduled services (daily) - $8 per stall with manure removal.
• Priority services (as needed) - fill in for vacations, holidays, sick or personal days for YOU or your help.
Manure Removal and Recycling:
• Scheduled services – daily, weekly, or monthly
• Remove existing "old piles of poo"
• Bulk pricing for manure removal off property (30yds = $150)
Others Services Provided (Call for Quote):
• Riding Rings – New or re-grading of existing
• Driveway and private road maintenance
• Drainage
• Snow plowing for outdoor riding arenas.
*Fully Insured Company*
References available upon request.
(All prices as of Jan 2010.)
Featherbed Farm and Kennel LLCFlemington, NJ 08822
(908) 489-6306
melykfarm@comcast.netDaily horse stall cleaning and manure removal service.
Stall Cleaning:
• Scheduled services (daily) - $8 per stall with manure removal.
• Priority services (as needed) - fill in for vacations, holidays, sick or personal days for YOU or your help.
Manure Removal and Recycling:
• Scheduled services – daily, weekly, or monthly
• Remove existing "old piles of poo"
• Bulk pricing for manure removal off property (30yds = $150)
Others Services Provided (Call for Quote):
• Riding Rings – New or re-grading of existing
• Driveway and private road maintenance
• Drainage
• Snow plowing for outdoor riding arenas.
*Fully Insured Company*
References available upon request.
(All prices as of Jan 2010.)
96 Featherbed Lane
Flemington, NJ 08822
We are a 16 stall, matted, brick paved center aisle barn, with individual windows and lights. We have an arena and several large pastures. The kennel has several indoor/outdoor runs.
Fence Installation & Design LLCFlemington, NJ 08822
(516) 378-7377
stable@featherbedfarmandkennel.comWe are a 16 stall, matted, brick paved center aisle barn, with individual windows and lights. We have an arena and several large pastures. The kennel has several indoor/outdoor runs.
Flemington, NJ 08822
All types of fencing. Over 25 years!
Horse Training and Boarding(908) 413-4417
gregg@fencguy.comAll types of fencing. Over 25 years!
Flemington, NJ 08822
Training for young or unbroke horses, older unbroke horses and any and all behavior problems. Most vices and behavior problems are related to lack of early training, past issues or lack of knowledge on the part of the owner, or previous owners. Not enough time? I can show you how to spend a few minutes and improve your horse's behavior almost instantly just by using your body language. I know horses and how they think.
Lil RR Farm(908) 806-8011
jinx-2@comcast.netTraining for young or unbroke horses, older unbroke horses and any and all behavior problems. Most vices and behavior problems are related to lack of early training, past issues or lack of knowledge on the part of the owner, or previous owners. Not enough time? I can show you how to spend a few minutes and improve your horse's behavior almost instantly just by using your body language. I know horses and how they think.
211 Old Croton Road
Flemington, NJ 08822
Quality horse hay for sale. Made for horses by people who own horses.
1st cut Timothy/Orchard Grass Mix - $5.00 per bale
2nd cut Orchard Grass - $6.00 per bale
Saturday pickup at barn - 10:00AM-4:00PM
Contact Carl at the number above.
Minimal charge for delivery within 10 miles.
For large quantities of 100 bales or more, call for price.
Mizzitraining LLCFlemington, NJ 08822
(732) 735-6109
KReitano@aol.comQuality horse hay for sale. Made for horses by people who own horses.
1st cut Timothy/Orchard Grass Mix - $5.00 per bale
2nd cut Orchard Grass - $6.00 per bale
Saturday pickup at barn - 10:00AM-4:00PM
Contact Carl at the number above.
Minimal charge for delivery within 10 miles.
For large quantities of 100 bales or more, call for price.

Visit Mizzitraining LLC's Facebook Page
Rainbow Hill Road
Flemington, NJ 08822
(908) 797-3364
(908) 797-3364
appliedpracticalhorsemanhip70@gmail.comFreelance training and lessons for horse owners at your facility or farm. Adults and children welcome. Fully insured. Western and English riding and apply practical horsemanship methods with resistance free training.
40 Whiskey Lane
Flemington, NJ 08822
H/J and eventing facility located in Flemington, NJ. We offer training, showing, lessons, and sales of top hunter, jumper, equitation, eventing, and dressage horses.
Winchester FarmFlemington, NJ 08822
(908) 581-5135
(908) 303-2399
jamie@whiskeylanefarm.comH/J and eventing facility located in Flemington, NJ. We offer training, showing, lessons, and sales of top hunter, jumper, equitation, eventing, and dressage horses.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
152 Rockafellows Mill Road
Flemington, NJ 08822
Classical dressage training facility where traditional European horsemanship is being practiced. Emphasis is on training horses according to the German Riding Federation principals with special attention to complimentary training techniques as work on long lines, over cavaletties, and in the pillars. Horses are accepted for training at all levels, from the very young to Grand Prix.
Flemington, NJ 08822
(908) 237-5107
(917) 941-5890
info@winchesterfarmnj.comClassical dressage training facility where traditional European horsemanship is being practiced. Emphasis is on training horses according to the German Riding Federation principals with special attention to complimentary training techniques as work on long lines, over cavaletties, and in the pillars. Horses are accepted for training at all levels, from the very young to Grand Prix.
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