Lambertville, New Jersey Horse Directory
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Long View Equine Retirement

Visit Long View Equine Retirement's Facebook Page
60 Hunter Road
Lambertville, NJ 08530
(609) 542-0022
retire@longviewequine.com50 acres of lush well maintained pasture with large run-ins on a 200 acre farm. Individual stalls provided at feeding time.
Included in monthly fee: trims, worming, fly spray, dentist, daily supplements/meds (provided by owner), blanketing, and more.
We are especially concerned about pasture rotation and maintenance, which means fewer horses per acre.
References available from happy horses and their owners!
26 Queen Road
Lambertville, NJ 08530
Horses for sale. English, western, registered and grades. For show, trail, kids, old folks, etc. We sell "nice horses for nice people".
Lambertville, NJ 08530
(352) 875-7565
(609) 397-8740
budlauck@mindspring.comHorses for sale. English, western, registered and grades. For show, trail, kids, old folks, etc. We sell "nice horses for nice people".
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