Howell, New Jersey Horse Directory
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Bella Rosa Riding Academy
151 Oak Glen Road
Howell, NJ 07731
Bella Rosa Riding Academy offers lessons, board, and training for all breeds in all English disciplines. The head trainer is a certified hunter jumper instructor. Facilities include two indoor riding arenas and three outdoor riding arenas. All ages and levels welcome. Catchrider Club is associated with Rerun Inc. and helps thoroughbreds in need. Shows on premises. Summer camps. Contact us today.
Bountiful Blessings FarmHowell, NJ 07731
(732) 938-5445
chunkmj@aim.comBella Rosa Riding Academy offers lessons, board, and training for all breeds in all English disciplines. The head trainer is a certified hunter jumper instructor. Facilities include two indoor riding arenas and three outdoor riding arenas. All ages and levels welcome. Catchrider Club is associated with Rerun Inc. and helps thoroughbreds in need. Shows on premises. Summer camps. Contact us today.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
14 Maxim Rd
Howell, NJ 07731
Dressage lessons on your horse or one of our school horses. Relaxed, quiet friendly atmosphere. Beginners welcome!
Outdoor and indoors arenas for all weather. Visitors welcome. Boarding and training also available.
HorseSense Therapeutic Riding CenterHowell, NJ 07731
(732) 272-7108
LindaLBBF@gmail.comDressage lessons on your horse or one of our school horses. Relaxed, quiet friendly atmosphere. Beginners welcome!
Outdoor and indoors arenas for all weather. Visitors welcome. Boarding and training also available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Horse Training Stables
145 Easy Street
Howell, NJ 07731
Therapeutic horseback riding for people with special needs. Exclusive private lessons - one-on-one attention. Programs tailored to the rider's needs. We also work with typical siblings, beginner riders, veterans, police & fireman, and moms & dads. Stressed out? Horses are good for the soul!
Phoenix FarmHowell, NJ 07731
(732) 910-7855
horsesensenj@verizon.netTherapeutic horseback riding for people with special needs. Exclusive private lessons - one-on-one attention. Programs tailored to the rider's needs. We also work with typical siblings, beginner riders, veterans, police & fireman, and moms & dads. Stressed out? Horses are good for the soul!
Lakewood Farmingdale Rd
Howell, NJ 07731
Phoenix Farm is a full board facility located in Howell, NJ. Large stalls and turnout on our lush grass paddocks. When you're done riding in our beautiful outdoor ring, cool out on our racetrack or trails. We have an indoor wash stall with hot and cold water, wonderful caring staff, and 24-7 supervision for your equine friend! Professional trainers are here for all your needs! We specialize in off-the-track TB's and retraining the "problem horse". Our trainers have done it all, from winning at world's and congress to the level 7 jumpers. Lessons available at reasonable rates on one of our safe, reliable quality lesson horses or your own. Ship-in's welcome! Full, training, and consignment board available. We usually have a nice selection of quality horses for sale as well. Call Jill for more info at the number above.
Serenity At Last FarmHowell, NJ 07731
(732) 567-5397
phoenixfarmnj@aol.comPhoenix Farm is a full board facility located in Howell, NJ. Large stalls and turnout on our lush grass paddocks. When you're done riding in our beautiful outdoor ring, cool out on our racetrack or trails. We have an indoor wash stall with hot and cold water, wonderful caring staff, and 24-7 supervision for your equine friend! Professional trainers are here for all your needs! We specialize in off-the-track TB's and retraining the "problem horse". Our trainers have done it all, from winning at world's and congress to the level 7 jumpers. Lessons available at reasonable rates on one of our safe, reliable quality lesson horses or your own. Ship-in's welcome! Full, training, and consignment board available. We usually have a nice selection of quality horses for sale as well. Call Jill for more info at the number above.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
1064 Maxim Southard Rd
Howell, NJ 07731
Serenity At Last Farm is a full boarding, training, and lesson facility. We have 12x12 stalls and a large riding arena. We feed quality hay and grain twice daily. Individual or group turn out available. Onsite trainer that gives lessons and will train/school your horse. Showing at local and rated shows. Personal attention for all your horse's needs. Owner lives on property to ensure 24 hour care. Family friendly environment. All ages and disciplines welcome. We hope to be a home away from home for you and your horse!
Rates as of July 2011:
- Full Board $475.00/month
- Pasture Board $375.00/month (includes all amenities of full board without a stall)
Training and lesson packages available.
Showtime StablesHowell, NJ 07731
(732) 216-1364
nnikki25@yahoo.comSerenity At Last Farm is a full boarding, training, and lesson facility. We have 12x12 stalls and a large riding arena. We feed quality hay and grain twice daily. Individual or group turn out available. Onsite trainer that gives lessons and will train/school your horse. Showing at local and rated shows. Personal attention for all your horse's needs. Owner lives on property to ensure 24 hour care. Family friendly environment. All ages and disciplines welcome. We hope to be a home away from home for you and your horse!
Rates as of July 2011:
- Full Board $475.00/month
- Pasture Board $375.00/month (includes all amenities of full board without a stall)
Training and lesson packages available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables

Visit Showtime Stables' Facebook Page
222 Easy Street
Howell, NJ 07731
(908) 216-1623
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
Howell, NJ 07731
Full service boarding and training facility, Howell, New Jersey.
Hideaway Stables(732) 308-0034
farcryreilly@aol.comFull service boarding and training facility, Howell, New Jersey.
Howell, NJ 07731
Hideaway Stables is located in the beautiful Jersey Shore section of Monmouth County. Minutes from trails and horse friendly state parks, there is always a place to ride off on a sunny day. If staying on the farm is more to your liking, our outdoor riding arena has lights for evening exercise and jumps at your disposal to challenge you and your horse.
Hideaway Stables was founded in 2005 to give you and your horse a home away from home. We have a different approach to our farm that gives the horse lover peace of mind and security. Unlike most stables, we open our home to our boarders. On the first Sunday of the month we welcome our new "family" to sit and have a real country breakfast and shoot the breeze. Our home is only a short distance from the barns and our paddocks are our backyard. Your horse is always in view.
Never Ends Farm(908) 642-5861
hideawaystablesnj@hotmail.comHideaway Stables is located in the beautiful Jersey Shore section of Monmouth County. Minutes from trails and horse friendly state parks, there is always a place to ride off on a sunny day. If staying on the farm is more to your liking, our outdoor riding arena has lights for evening exercise and jumps at your disposal to challenge you and your horse.
Hideaway Stables was founded in 2005 to give you and your horse a home away from home. We have a different approach to our farm that gives the horse lover peace of mind and security. Unlike most stables, we open our home to our boarders. On the first Sunday of the month we welcome our new "family" to sit and have a real country breakfast and shoot the breeze. Our home is only a short distance from the barns and our paddocks are our backyard. Your horse is always in view.
Howell, NJ 07731
Horseback riding lessons, horse boarding, horse training, and English lessons.
The Equestrian Experience(732) 942-7402
RacShrm@aol.comHorseback riding lessons, horse boarding, horse training, and English lessons.
392 Ramtown Greenville Rd
White Pine Farm
Howell, NJ 07731
Be the rider you want to be! Quality riding instruction in a peaceful/safe environment. Experienced instructor offers lessons Tuesday through Sunday. All ages - five through adults. All levels. English/dressage. Indoor arena offers year-round experiences. Our barn has many adult riders as well as an opportunity to show. We offer competitive lesson packages as well as a great Summer program which includes an educational component to produce well-rounded equestrians. Lots of outdoor activities and fun. On May 9, 2017, we will hold a tack and yard sale from 10 AM to 3 PM.
White Pine Farm
Howell, NJ 07731
(908) 334-1042
Equestrianexp@gmail.comBe the rider you want to be! Quality riding instruction in a peaceful/safe environment. Experienced instructor offers lessons Tuesday through Sunday. All ages - five through adults. All levels. English/dressage. Indoor arena offers year-round experiences. Our barn has many adult riders as well as an opportunity to show. We offer competitive lesson packages as well as a great Summer program which includes an educational component to produce well-rounded equestrians. Lots of outdoor activities and fun. On May 9, 2017, we will hold a tack and yard sale from 10 AM to 3 PM.
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