Monmouth County, New Jersey Horse Directory
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NJ Estates and Stables

Visit NJ Estates and Stables' Facebook Page
(908) 209-9277
info@njestatesandstables.comWelcome to New Jersey Estates and Stables. Our founder Tara Stone along with her team of professionals have created this site with you in mind. We have a full time team of experts on equestrian related real estate in and around central New Jersey with a heavy focus on Hunterdon, Somerset, Union, Morris, and Monmouth Counties. If you are in the market for buying or selling property for your horses or a home with equestrian facilities nearby, relying on a professional realtor can help ensure that you are making the right decision. There are many items to think of when selling or purchasing real estate in New Jersey. This website, along with our team's expertise, will provide you with the necessary tools to insure you make the right decision for you and your family.
With over 30 years' combined experience, Tara and her team can be trusted to bring you vital information at all points during your real estate transaction. Once you close on your new home, whether you are the seller or the buyer, our professional relationship doesn't end there. Tara has lifelong relationships with her clients and hosts a yearly event, where her clients are always honored guests.
If you haven't already discovered why New Jersey is the perfect location for your equestrian life, let us show you!
- Hunterdon County, New Jersey
- Monmouth County, New Jersey
- Morris County, New Jersey
- Somerset County, New Jersey
- Warren County, New Jersey
- Sussex County, New Jersey
530 Prospect Avenue
Little Silver, NJ 07739
See what your horse can't say with equine thermography.
Peter W. Bennett, owner of Equine Thermography, LLC, is a certified thermographer technician trained in the application of Equine Thermography. Equine scans can be done at your local veterinary office, barn, stable, or home. Call our office today or request a survey via our website. I work with all people who have an interest in horses, including vets, owners, sellers, buyers, groomers, farriers, saddle fitters, trainers, massage therapists, and chiropractors. Dressage, hunter, jumper, barrel racing, and rodeo horses. I have worked at Monmouth Park, Belmont Park, and several stables throughout New Jersey.
NutraCell LabsLittle Silver, NJ 07739
(732) 984-7276
(732) 245-9817
NJEquineir@gmail.comSee what your horse can't say with equine thermography.
Peter W. Bennett, owner of Equine Thermography, LLC, is a certified thermographer technician trained in the application of Equine Thermography. Equine scans can be done at your local veterinary office, barn, stable, or home. Call our office today or request a survey via our website. I work with all people who have an interest in horses, including vets, owners, sellers, buyers, groomers, farriers, saddle fitters, trainers, massage therapists, and chiropractors. Dressage, hunter, jumper, barrel racing, and rodeo horses. I have worked at Monmouth Park, Belmont Park, and several stables throughout New Jersey.
Red Bank, NJ
Equine nutritional supplements. The formulas for all NutraCell Labs products are developed by a highly trained equine nutritionist with over 40 years experience. The company is based out of Red Bank, NJ, with offices in Florida, California, Europe, Australia, and the UAE.
Nutra Cell Labs develops all natural equine supplements, which are the result of over 30+ years of research and development. Nutra Cell Labs takes pride in carefully designing all of our supplements for maximum utilization. All vitamins and minerals are naturally chelated, ensuring complete digestion and absorption. Nutra Cell Labs uses all natural ingredients and flavors manufactured and blended on a weekly basis to guarantee the highest potency. Nutra Cell Labs strongly believes in purchasing only the purest pharmaceutical nutrients and enzymes to be incorporated into all of our supplements.
Perretti FarmsPhoenix FarmEquine nutritional supplements. The formulas for all NutraCell Labs products are developed by a highly trained equine nutritionist with over 40 years experience. The company is based out of Red Bank, NJ, with offices in Florida, California, Europe, Australia, and the UAE.
Nutra Cell Labs develops all natural equine supplements, which are the result of over 30+ years of research and development. Nutra Cell Labs takes pride in carefully designing all of our supplements for maximum utilization. All vitamins and minerals are naturally chelated, ensuring complete digestion and absorption. Nutra Cell Labs uses all natural ingredients and flavors manufactured and blended on a weekly basis to guarantee the highest potency. Nutra Cell Labs strongly believes in purchasing only the purest pharmaceutical nutrients and enzymes to be incorporated into all of our supplements.
Lakewood Farmingdale Rd
Howell, NJ 07731
Phoenix Farm is a full board facility located in Howell, NJ. Large stalls and turnout on our lush grass paddocks. When you're done riding in our beautiful outdoor ring, cool out on our racetrack or trails. We have an indoor wash stall with hot and cold water, wonderful caring staff, and 24-7 supervision for your equine friend! Professional trainers are here for all your needs! We specialize in off-the-track TB's and retraining the "problem horse". Our trainers have done it all, from winning at world's and congress to the level 7 jumpers. Lessons available at reasonable rates on one of our safe, reliable quality lesson horses or your own. Ship-in's welcome! Full, training, and consignment board available. We usually have a nice selection of quality horses for sale as well. Call Jill for more info at the number above.
Pleasure Horse FarmPony and PalsHowell, NJ 07731
(732) 567-5397
phoenixfarmnj@aol.comPhoenix Farm is a full board facility located in Howell, NJ. Large stalls and turnout on our lush grass paddocks. When you're done riding in our beautiful outdoor ring, cool out on our racetrack or trails. We have an indoor wash stall with hot and cold water, wonderful caring staff, and 24-7 supervision for your equine friend! Professional trainers are here for all your needs! We specialize in off-the-track TB's and retraining the "problem horse". Our trainers have done it all, from winning at world's and congress to the level 7 jumpers. Lessons available at reasonable rates on one of our safe, reliable quality lesson horses or your own. Ship-in's welcome! Full, training, and consignment board available. We usually have a nice selection of quality horses for sale as well. Call Jill for more info at the number above.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
(732) 358-7555
sales@ponyandpals.comWe bring the pony and the zoo to you!
Has your child dreamed of having their own pony in their backyard? Have they wished that they could go to the petting zoo and visit the animals or have a baby petting zoo animal in their own backyard? Why not surprise them and make their dreams and wishes a reality for any reason with Pony and Pals. Pony and Pals will travel to you all year round. We bring the Pony and Pals to you.
Call 732-358-7555 to reserve your party!
We are located in Monmouth County and serve all of New Jersey and Staten Island.
Pony and Pals are a fantastic addition to birthday parties, company and business parties, fund raisers, nursing homes, theme parties, family reunions, or just for any reason you may want. We can dress our ponies up for certain events and holidays. We accommodate many different party needs and can fit almost any budget that needs to be met.
12 Hill Road
Allentown, NJ 08501
Rhythm and Blues Stables is a beautiful boarding and training facility located in central New Jersey. We provide clear and dedicated training for horses and riders.
Rick's Heritage SaddleryAllentown, NJ 08501
(609) 758-4918
RBLStables@aol.comRhythm and Blues Stables is a beautiful boarding and training facility located in central New Jersey. We provide clear and dedicated training for horses and riders.
9 Water Street
Englishtown, NJ 07726
Rick's Heritage Saddlery is proud to host our secure online store. Try your saddle before you buy it. We offer a huge selection of saddles, riding equipment, apparel, and supplies.
Rick's Heritage SaddleryEnglishtown, NJ 07726
(732) 446-4330 x5
info@Saddlesource.comRick's Heritage Saddlery is proud to host our secure online store. Try your saddle before you buy it. We offer a huge selection of saddles, riding equipment, apparel, and supplies.
282 Route 539
Cream Ridge, NJ 08514
Rick's Heritage Saddlery is proud to host our secure online store. Try your saddle before you buy it. We offer a huge selection of saddles, riding equipment, apparel, and supplies.
Cream Ridge, NJ 08514
(609) 758-7267
info@Saddlesource.comRick's Heritage Saddlery is proud to host our secure online store. Try your saddle before you buy it. We offer a huge selection of saddles, riding equipment, apparel, and supplies.
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