Rio Arriba County, New Mexico Horse Directory
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Starry Night Ranch
Evergreen, CO 80439
Horse camps and custom horse vacations for kids, teens, families and ladies in beautiful northern New Mexico. We custom build our horse camps for your wants, needs and abilities. Julie Phillips has been training horses and people for over 30 years. We supply the horses or you may bring yours. We never have more than 8 people at once, so you can be assured of plenty of horse and instruction time. Plenty of great optional activities including fishing, Indian ruin exploring, shooting and swimming. Send your children, leave them at home, or bring the whole family. Our ladies' trip will last in your memory as "the best trip ever".
(303) 670-1178
Horse camps and custom horse vacations for kids, teens, families and ladies in beautiful northern New Mexico. We custom build our horse camps for your wants, needs and abilities. Julie Phillips has been training horses and people for over 30 years. We supply the horses or you may bring yours. We never have more than 8 people at once, so you can be assured of plenty of horse and instruction time. Plenty of great optional activities including fishing, Indian ruin exploring, shooting and swimming. Send your children, leave them at home, or bring the whole family. Our ladies' trip will last in your memory as "the best trip ever".
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