Chenango County, New York Horse Directory
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Big Paw Graphics
Smyrna, NY 13464
Specializing in equine & canine photography. Services include farm calls, fine art, events, and portraits. Also offering custom graphics, web design, equine marketing, and sales.
Doxy's Horse Recovery(607) 627-6252
info@bigpawgraphics.comSpecializing in equine & canine photography. Services include farm calls, fine art, events, and portraits. Also offering custom graphics, web design, equine marketing, and sales.
354 Sprague Road
Afton, NY 13730
The Doxy's Horse Recovery mission is to recover, rehabilitate, and re-home horses who otherwise have no chance at life. Doxy's takes in horses that are sold for meat and headed toward slaughter. Some of these horses come through the auction and others are direct cast-offs from the horse racing industry. When you adopt a horse from Doxy's, you are helping to save a life and to further the Doxy's mission.
Indigo Sky AppaloosasLane Cove DressageAfton, NY 13730
(607) 639-1832
doxyshorserecovery@gmail.comThe Doxy's Horse Recovery mission is to recover, rehabilitate, and re-home horses who otherwise have no chance at life. Doxy's takes in horses that are sold for meat and headed toward slaughter. Some of these horses come through the auction and others are direct cast-offs from the horse racing industry. When you adopt a horse from Doxy's, you are helping to save a life and to further the Doxy's mission.

Visit Lane Cove Dressage's Facebook Page
470 Cummings Rd
Greene, NY 13778
Lane Cove Dressage is a full-service classical dressage training, boarding, and lesson facility located in upstate New York. Our mission at Lane Cove is to create a collaborative learning community of classical dressage riding and training. We cater to horses and riders of all ages & levels and seek to promote the harmonious development of the horse and rider at all times. At Lane Cove, we use a holistic approach in our training and teaching methods to create a happy athlete and knowledgeable rider. We are dedicated to training our horses and teaching riding lessons with kindness, clarity, and understanding. Riding should be a fun and enjoyable sport, and at Lane Cove, we strive to create a positive atmosphere in which everyone can learn.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables

441 County Road 37
Guilford, NY 13780
Premier Retirement Boarding facility in upstate New York! October Glory Acres LLC offers full care board at a beautiful, peaceful facility. The barn features large, matted stalls, multiple tack rooms, wash stall, a grooming stalls, a lounge, and a restroom and is attached to a fully insulated 80'x 180' indoor arena. Farm consists of 130 acres of trails, fields, and many safe paddocks for daily turnout. Call today to come tour the facility and get more details - it's worth the trip! (607) 764-8378
Hidden Ponds StablesGuilford, NY 13780
(607) 764-8378
octoberglory@frontier.comPremier Retirement Boarding facility in upstate New York! October Glory Acres LLC offers full care board at a beautiful, peaceful facility. The barn features large, matted stalls, multiple tack rooms, wash stall, a grooming stalls, a lounge, and a restroom and is attached to a fully insulated 80'x 180' indoor arena. Farm consists of 130 acres of trails, fields, and many safe paddocks for daily turnout. Call today to come tour the facility and get more details - it's worth the trip! (607) 764-8378
Norwich, NY 13815
Thoroughbreds and Welsh Ponies; offering lessons, training, boarding and stud service.
Russo's Tack Shack(607) 334-4529
hpstables@adelphia.netThoroughbreds and Welsh Ponies; offering lessons, training, boarding and stud service.
- Thoroughbred Horse Farms and Stallions
- Welsh Pony Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
Oxford, NY 13830
Russos Tack Shack online shopping for all your equine needs, including English and Western saddles and tack, supplements, horse ware, and stable equipment.
(607) 843-2311
(888) 843-2312
info@russostackshack.comRussos Tack Shack online shopping for all your equine needs, including English and Western saddles and tack, supplements, horse ware, and stable equipment.
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