Sullivan County, New York Horse Directory
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PO Box 79
Livingston Manor, NY 12758
(845) 798-0083
6919 State Route 52
Cochecton, NY 12726
Our 70 acre farm has 6 large paddocks with a run-in shed in each. Paddocks have year-round water & electric and have wood fencing with solar electric wire on the top rail for security. Our barn has 8 box stalls with rubber mats. Both full and paddock board include hay & grain. Huntington Meadows Farm is a great place for your retired horse or pleasure horse; we also offer turn-out for racehorses, all with plenty of TLC. Additional services include: worming, farrier, and veterinarian.
Lasting Joy RanchCochecton, NY 12726
(845) 932-8506
(845) 794-3227
huntingtonmeadowsfarm@hotmail.comOur 70 acre farm has 6 large paddocks with a run-in shed in each. Paddocks have year-round water & electric and have wood fencing with solar electric wire on the top rail for security. Our barn has 8 box stalls with rubber mats. Both full and paddock board include hay & grain. Huntington Meadows Farm is a great place for your retired horse or pleasure horse; we also offer turn-out for racehorses, all with plenty of TLC. Additional services include: worming, farrier, and veterinarian.
PO Box 685
108 Depot Rd
Phillipsport, NY 12769
Lasting Joy Ranch specializes in miniature horses with great driving movement and conformation. Great color is a bonus. Contact us for your next miniature horse.
American Storage Buildings108 Depot Rd
Phillipsport, NY 12769
(845) 647-2204
lastingjoyranch@yahoo.comLasting Joy Ranch specializes in miniature horses with great driving movement and conformation. Great color is a bonus. Contact us for your next miniature horse.
206 Service Rd
Parksville, NY 12768
Custom quality built Amish sheds, garages, gazebos, horsebarns, and a variety of specialty Amish structures. We also carry a full line of Amish crafts - lighthouses, wishing wells, outdoor lawn furniture, birdhouses, and bird feeders.
Bridle Hill Farm - BHFParksville, NY 12768
(845) 292-0222
glenn@americanstoragebuildings.comCustom quality built Amish sheds, garages, gazebos, horsebarns, and a variety of specialty Amish structures. We also carry a full line of Amish crafts - lighthouses, wishing wells, outdoor lawn furniture, birdhouses, and bird feeders.
190 Hemmer Road
Box 690
Jeffersonville, NY 12748
BHF offers instruction of all levels and all ages. Trails lessons, boarding, horse training, summer camp, and after school programs. All levels of English and western riding and horse shows. Open all year round. Large indoor arena and many outdoor schooling and training riding arenas.
Foxwillow FarmBox 690
Jeffersonville, NY 12748
(845) 482-3993
young@bridlehillfarm.comBHF offers instruction of all levels and all ages. Trails lessons, boarding, horse training, summer camp, and after school programs. All levels of English and western riding and horse shows. Open all year round. Large indoor arena and many outdoor schooling and training riding arenas.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
PO Box 79
77 Tuttle Hill Road
Livingston Manor, NY 12758
Breeding quality colored partbred Arabians and Missouri Foxtrotters with family ownership in mind...
Arabians at Stud - Including black and cremello; breeding palomino, buckskin, and pinto partbred Arabians as well as Missouri Foxtrotters.
Basic training, trail training and conditioning, "problem" horses, sales of family friendly horses, lessons, boarding,
Cadenhill Morgan Farm77 Tuttle Hill Road
Livingston Manor, NY 12758
(845) 798-0083
vhfarab@yahoo.comBreeding quality colored partbred Arabians and Missouri Foxtrotters with family ownership in mind...
Arabians at Stud - Including black and cremello; breeding palomino, buckskin, and pinto partbred Arabians as well as Missouri Foxtrotters.
Basic training, trail training and conditioning, "problem" horses, sales of family friendly horses, lessons, boarding,
- Arabian Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Missouri Fox Trotter Horse Breeders / Farms
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
Obernburg, NY 12767
Cadenhill specializes in breeding Morgan horses of the "old style" for pleasure driving and trailriding. Our horses have wonderful dispositions and willingness to please. We also breed exceptional donkeys and mules at the farm.
Four Seasons Therapeutic Riding Center(845) 482-5859
chfarm@localnet.comCadenhill specializes in breeding Morgan horses of the "old style" for pleasure driving and trailriding. Our horses have wonderful dispositions and willingness to please. We also breed exceptional donkeys and mules at the farm.
- Morgan Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Donkey and Mule Farms / Breeders
Woodbourne, NY 12788
We offer one-on-one riding instruction based on the needs and ability of the student. We follow the standards of NARHA when establishing the specific riding instructional needs of the student. The farm is located on 80 acres of quiet trails and allows for a complete therapeutic experience. In addition, we train volunteers to work in a riding program.
LS Homestead(845) 434-5912
fourseasonsranch@mac.comWe offer one-on-one riding instruction based on the needs and ability of the student. We follow the standards of NARHA when establishing the specific riding instructional needs of the student. The farm is located on 80 acres of quiet trails and allows for a complete therapeutic experience. In addition, we train volunteers to work in a riding program.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
- Horse Leasing Stables
Livingston Manor, NY 12758
We offer a wide range of boarding options for your horse(s). Full, pasture, retirement, weekenders, broodmares, and lay-ups. Over 30 years' experience; providing your horse with quality, individualized care.
(845) 701-2720
lshomestead@gmail.comWe offer a wide range of boarding options for your horse(s). Full, pasture, retirement, weekenders, broodmares, and lay-ups. Over 30 years' experience; providing your horse with quality, individualized care.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Retirement Farms
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
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