Forsyth County, North Carolina Horse Directory
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American Hemp Horse Bedding

Visit American Hemp Horse Bedding's Facebook Page
1959 North Peace Haven Road, #176
Winston Salem, NC 27106
(336) 529-7968
contact@americanhempllc.comAmerican Hemp horse bedding comes from the woody core, also known as hurds, of the industrial hemp field crop. Hemp hurds are more absorbent, lower in dust, longer lasting, and control odor better in comparison to timber based beddings. Hemp is non-allergenic, and when grown for fiber, it typically has a 90-day grow cycle and does not require pesticides.
6436 Salem Chapel Ct
Walnut Cove, NC 27052
Family owned and operated boarding and retirement farm. Retired horses have a stall and receive full care and personal attention according to needs. $350/month (as of Jan 2011). Training, lessons, and showing also available.
Most Quarter HorsesWalnut Cove, NC 27052
(336) 595-6315
hmfarm99@aol.comFamily owned and operated boarding and retirement farm. Retired horses have a stall and receive full care and personal attention according to needs. $350/month (as of Jan 2011). Training, lessons, and showing also available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
- Retirement Farms
PO Box 306
Madison, NC 27127
We offer equine solutions.
Riverwood Therapeutic Riding CenterMadison, NC 27127
(336) 403-0675
(336) 403-1508
mail@mostquarterhorses.comWe offer equine solutions.
Our objective at Riverwood the use of equine oriented activities for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being of people with disabilities. Riverwood is a NARHA operating center.
Cash Lovell Stables and Riding
2210 Darwick Road
Winston Salem, NC 27127
A Winston-Salem horse training stables and riding academy. We teach riding lessons, host birthday parties and a youth horse club, and train American Saddlebred horses. We also serve the entire Piedmont Triad area including Greensboro, High Point, Kernersville, Clemmons, Lewisville and other areas or North Carolina.
Arshi PaulGrassy Fork StablesWinston Salem, NC 27127
(336) 971-9388
(336) 784-6385
A Winston-Salem horse training stables and riding academy. We teach riding lessons, host birthday parties and a youth horse club, and train American Saddlebred horses. We also serve the entire Piedmont Triad area including Greensboro, High Point, Kernersville, Clemmons, Lewisville and other areas or North Carolina.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Saddleseat Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
Winston Salem, NC 27106
Hooves, Wags N' Whiskers(336) 462-7620
Kernersville, NC 27284
We offer the following horse services:
- Barn Sitting
- Horse Exercising
- Horse Grooming & Bathing
- Horse Turn In / Out
- Horse Blanketing
Northwoods Stable(336) 497-4815
info@hooveswagsnwhiskers.comWe offer the following horse services:
- Barn Sitting
- Horse Exercising
- Horse Grooming & Bathing
- Horse Turn In / Out
- Horse Blanketing
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Family oriented pleasure stable where your horse is our pleasure. We welcome all classes of equitation and offer spacious stalls with many amenities. Your horse will be fed according to their dietary needs; quality hay and grain. In addition, we offer rehabilitation services and host a variety of equine related clinics supporting natural horse care and education.
(336) 407-5859
rescuediva@aol.comFamily oriented pleasure stable where your horse is our pleasure. We welcome all classes of equitation and offer spacious stalls with many amenities. Your horse will be fed according to their dietary needs; quality hay and grain. In addition, we offer rehabilitation services and host a variety of equine related clinics supporting natural horse care and education.
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