Zebulon, North Carolina Horse Directory
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Horse Boarding
162 Henry Baker Rd
Zebulon, NC 27597
Rural setting. 2 - 12 x 12 stalls for rent. New facility, daily turnout, feedings 2x a day, and round pen all on 5 acres. $300.00 (as of Apr 2010) plus feed. Some of the best care your horses will ever receive! I am on premises 24/7.
Zebulon, NC 27597
(252) 205-3467
baysdencrane@yahoo.comRural setting. 2 - 12 x 12 stalls for rent. New facility, daily turnout, feedings 2x a day, and round pen all on 5 acres. $300.00 (as of Apr 2010) plus feed. Some of the best care your horses will ever receive! I am on premises 24/7.
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