Cherryville, North Carolina Horse Directory
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Black Rock Farms
907 Tot Dellinger Rd
Cherryville, NC 28021
Breeding Quarter Horses on a small scale in Cherryville, North Caolina.
Hedge and Turf Farm SouthHalf Halt FarmsCherryville, NC 28021
(704) 530-7489
(704) 802-4155
blackrockfarms@aol.comBreeding Quarter Horses on a small scale in Cherryville, North Caolina.
225 Flint Hill Road
Cherryville, NC 28021
An equestrian combined training facility located in Cherryville near Charlotte, NC.
Cherryville, NC 28021
(704) 445-BARN
bill0905@halfhaltfarms.comAn equestrian combined training facility located in Cherryville near Charlotte, NC.
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