Raeford, North Carolina Horse Directory
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Carolina Horse Park

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2814 Montrose Rd
Raeford, NC 28376
(910) 875-2074
1752 South Parker Church Rd
Raeford, NC 28376
Full care stall and pasture board available. 110 acre facility includes 38 - 12x12 stalls, a hot and cold washrack, two indoor round pens, and two riding rings. Large area of three and four board pastures and paddocks with shelters. Customer lounge with restroom and tack storage available. Facility manager with 30+ years experience. Clean and well maintained. Horses grained and hayed twice daily with quality feeds. Stall cleaned daily. Ony 16 miles from the Carolina Horse Park. Layover and daily board also available.
Members of USEF, APHA, AQHA, ASHA, USTA and WCMHR. Miniature black tovero stallion available for stud service. Experience with Saddlebreds, Hackney Ponies, Standardbreds, and Walking Horses. Also maintain Quarter Horses, Paints, and Trotters. See our website for more details.
White Winds FarmRaeford, NC 28376
(910) 624-6807
gandifarm@yahoo.comFull care stall and pasture board available. 110 acre facility includes 38 - 12x12 stalls, a hot and cold washrack, two indoor round pens, and two riding rings. Large area of three and four board pastures and paddocks with shelters. Customer lounge with restroom and tack storage available. Facility manager with 30+ years experience. Clean and well maintained. Horses grained and hayed twice daily with quality feeds. Stall cleaned daily. Ony 16 miles from the Carolina Horse Park. Layover and daily board also available.
Members of USEF, APHA, AQHA, ASHA, USTA and WCMHR. Miniature black tovero stallion available for stud service. Experience with Saddlebreds, Hackney Ponies, Standardbreds, and Walking Horses. Also maintain Quarter Horses, Paints, and Trotters. See our website for more details.
- American Saddlebred Horse Farms
- Miniature Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Saddleseat Stables
- Retirement Farms
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
2246 Calloway Rd
Raeford, NC 28376
Boarding, lesson, and training facility that accepts retirement horses as boarders. 32 acres located near the horse mecca of North Carolina. Recognized as a United States Pony Club Riding Center. Retirement horses get full care and a stall for inclement weather, and are brought in and looked over 2 times a day when fed. All basic needs taken care of - can be included in board, including brushing and clipping. Lots of clients (kids) on the property to properly spoil any horse who loves attention. Optional light rides available for the horse who pines away from no work. (Your option of light rides for kids in lessons or ridden by working students). Single or group turnout available. All our horses are happy and well taken care of. Vet on property once a week to look at all horses. Can give veterinarian reference if needed. We believe that you will not be disappointed by the care your horse will receive!
White Winds FarmRaeford, NC 28376
(910) 728-0012
Firedawn@aol.comBoarding, lesson, and training facility that accepts retirement horses as boarders. 32 acres located near the horse mecca of North Carolina. Recognized as a United States Pony Club Riding Center. Retirement horses get full care and a stall for inclement weather, and are brought in and looked over 2 times a day when fed. All basic needs taken care of - can be included in board, including brushing and clipping. Lots of clients (kids) on the property to properly spoil any horse who loves attention. Optional light rides available for the horse who pines away from no work. (Your option of light rides for kids in lessons or ridden by working students). Single or group turnout available. All our horses are happy and well taken care of. Vet on property once a week to look at all horses. Can give veterinarian reference if needed. We believe that you will not be disappointed by the care your horse will receive!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Eventing Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Retirement Farms
- Horse Leasing Stables
Raeford, NC 28376
Recognized as a United States Pony Club Riding Center, White Winds Farm is a full service facility that offers lessons, boarding, and training for dressage and eventing. We strive to teach safe and effective riding to people of all ages. Full board only.
(910) 728-0012
sdunlap(at)whitewindsfarm.comRecognized as a United States Pony Club Riding Center, White Winds Farm is a full service facility that offers lessons, boarding, and training for dressage and eventing. We strive to teach safe and effective riding to people of all ages. Full board only.
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