Stanly County, North Carolina Horse Directory
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Bear Creek Mobile Veterinary Services
Visit Bear Creek Mobile Veterinary Services' Facebook Page
20492 NC 73 Hwy
Albemarle, NC 28001
(704) 986-0000
vet@bearcreekvet.netWe are a large animal practice that is predominantly mobile. Our focus is on the treatment and well-being of horses, cows, goats, sheep, llamas, alpacas, and pet pigs. We cover all or most of Stanly, Anson, Union, Cabarrus, and Rowan counties.
9374 Webb Rd
Stanfield, NC 28163
Certified Farrier
Michael Howie
Hi to all horse owners. I am a certified farrier. I have 6 years' experience shoeing on my own. I did an apprentice with Mike Greene and Ryan Hinson for about 3 years on and off. But this year (2010), I have lost a few clients due to the economy, and with the holidays right around the corner, I have decided to lower my prices for new clients. I am willing to work with those who are struggling through these hard times for the care of their horse(s), so give me a call to talk about pricing and set up a schedule today.
Stanfield, NC 28163
(704) 888-3313
ncdodgeman20@yahoo.comCertified Farrier
Michael Howie
Hi to all horse owners. I am a certified farrier. I have 6 years' experience shoeing on my own. I did an apprentice with Mike Greene and Ryan Hinson for about 3 years on and off. But this year (2010), I have lost a few clients due to the economy, and with the holidays right around the corner, I have decided to lower my prices for new clients. I am willing to work with those who are struggling through these hard times for the care of their horse(s), so give me a call to talk about pricing and set up a schedule today.
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