North Dakota Horse Directory
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North Dakota Paint Horse Club - NDPHCPinewood
Pinewood is located along the bluffs of the Missouri River near Bismarck, North Dakota. From here, we overlook the historic stretch of the river where Lewis & Clark wintered on their journey. It's fitting that our breed of choice
is the Appaloosa.
Cabin & Timberis the Appaloosa.
2401 34th Ave South
Fargo, ND 58104
Cabin & Timber specializes in log home and antique timber frame barn preservation and restoration.
Clay Butte Quarter HorsesFargo, ND 58104
(701) 347-5846
Cabin & Timber specializes in log home and antique timber frame barn preservation and restoration.
Breien, ND
At Clay Butte Quarter Horses, we breed athletic, willing horses. Our horses are ideal performance prospects for anyone interested in rodeo, ranching, recreational riding, or showing.
Dakota Carriage Company, LLC.(701) 445-3408
info@claybuttequarterhorses.comAt Clay Butte Quarter Horses, we breed athletic, willing horses. Our horses are ideal performance prospects for anyone interested in rodeo, ranching, recreational riding, or showing.

Visit Dakota Carriage Company, LLC.'s Facebook Page
7414 40th Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102
(701) 282-9392
info@dakotacarriagecompany.comFargo pumpkin patch. Horse drawn rides in the Fargo / Moorhead area - no job too big or too small - we service them all. Romantic two person rides to large corporate parties. In business for over 45 yrs. Registered Clydesdales for sale.
- Clydesdale Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Carriages
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
4631 4th Street, SE
Bowdon, ND 58418
North Dakota breeder of good looking, hard working quarter horses from top foundation bloodlines.
Heart River StablesHetletved Quarter HorsesHuufda HotelBowdon, ND 58418
(701) 984-2601
(701) 797-2840
dgeier29@hotmail.comNorth Dakota breeder of good looking, hard working quarter horses from top foundation bloodlines.
9410 171 Ave SE
Hankinson, ND 58041
Huufda Hotel is a bed and breakfast and overnight stable. Offering horses for rent, trail riding, custom vacations, and lessons.
Hankinson, ND 58041
(701) 242-9898
kcrago@rrt.netHuufda Hotel is a bed and breakfast and overnight stable. Offering horses for rent, trail riding, custom vacations, and lessons.
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