North Dakota Horse Directory
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Precious Stone RanchProvidence Ranch Ministries

Visit Providence Ranch Ministries' Facebook Page
4335 Gettysburg Dr
Bismarck, ND 58504
(701) 527-7984
rpupgren@extendwireless.netProvidence Ranch Ministries' mission is to provide mentoring, sheltering, teaching, and healing for area youth and families through relationship building, animal assisted activities, and outdoor activities in a Christian environment.
Grand Forks, ND
Red River Valley Horse Show Association, located at the Grand Forks Fairgrounds in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
Rocky Top AppaloosasRyan Family StablesRed River Valley Horse Show Association, located at the Grand Forks Fairgrounds in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
8986 Highway 1
Langdon, ND 58249
Horse boarding near Langdon, North Dakota. We offer indoor and outdoor boarding on our 32 acre farm. We offer a 15 stall Morton building with foaling stall. Owner on site 24/7.
Sheldak RanchLangdon, ND 58249
(701) 370-1386
KCRyan@utma.comHorse boarding near Langdon, North Dakota. We offer indoor and outdoor boarding on our 32 acre farm. We offer a 15 stall Morton building with foaling stall. Owner on site 24/7.
5743 145th Ave SE
Sheldon, ND 58068
Dave & Kim Utke have been Appaloosa breeders since 1968 of National & World Halter & Performance Champions. Sound Appaloosas with superior dispositions that work and win well into their twenty's. Bright Eyes Brother and Mighty Bright bloodlines through Mighty Tim, Spittin Image, King David, and Mr. Exclusive. Skipper W blood through Imaginate. Located near the Sheyenne Valley National Grasslands (50 miles SW of Fargo), east of Sheldon, North Dakota.
North Dakota Appaloosa Horse Club - NDApHCNorth Dakota Quarter Horse Racing Association - NDQHRASheldon, ND 58068
(701) 882-3344
Dave & Kim Utke have been Appaloosa breeders since 1968 of National & World Halter & Performance Champions. Sound Appaloosas with superior dispositions that work and win well into their twenty's. Bright Eyes Brother and Mighty Bright bloodlines through Mighty Tim, Spittin Image, King David, and Mr. Exclusive. Skipper W blood through Imaginate. Located near the Sheyenne Valley National Grasslands (50 miles SW of Fargo), east of Sheldon, North Dakota.
A non-profit corporation whose purpose is to promote and stimulate interest, racing, and breeding the American Quarter Horse as registered by the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), in North Dakota.
Prairie Hill MorgansMidwest Pet
Hillsboro, ND 58045
Pet / horse classifieds, directories, information, and online store.
(701) 636-2316
customerservice@midwestpetfinder.comPet / horse classifieds, directories, information, and online store.
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