Columbus, Ohio Horse Directory
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Freelance Riding Instructor
3576 Beulah Rd
Columbus, OH 43224
I have 30 years riding experience. Hunter/jumper, dressage, eventing, and western pleasure. Teaching beginner riders to advanced riders. I am also a horse broker - working to match the rider with the best horse.
Nolan Hoof HealthColumbus, OH 43224
I have 30 years riding experience. Hunter/jumper, dressage, eventing, and western pleasure. Teaching beginner riders to advanced riders. I am also a horse broker - working to match the rider with the best horse.

4030 Fairfax Drive
Columbus, OH 43220
(866) 647-2823
info@NolanHoofHealth.comNolan Hoof Health offers a non-invasive treatment for laminitis, thin soles, and hoof cracks. We put chronic laminitic horses back to work through the education of owners, vets, and farriers as to the inner mechanics of the hoof, educational resources on the healthy and unhealthy hoof, and how to build a hoof care team. We offer products for chronic laminitis, such as the Nolan Hoof Plate, and products for abscesses and nutritional needs.
1900 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210
The College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University is one of the premiere veterinary colleges in the United States.
Ohio State University - OSU - Equine ProgramRod's Western PalaceColumbus, OH 43210
(614) 292-1171
The College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University is one of the premiere veterinary colleges in the United States.
3099 Silver Dr
Columbus, OH 43224 is your source for the western lifestyle. Rods specializes in Western wear, cowboy boots, hats, gifts and horse tack for the entire family.
Columbus, OH 43224
(614) 268-8200
(866) 326-1975 is your source for the western lifestyle. Rods specializes in Western wear, cowboy boots, hats, gifts and horse tack for the entire family.
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