Belle Center, Ohio Horse Directory
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Clinton Anderson Downunder Horsemanship

Visit Clinton Anderson Downunder Horsemanship's Facebook Page
8755 St Rt 638
Belle Center, OH 43310
(937) 464-2047
(888) AUSSIE2
Horse clinician Clinton Anderson. Shop for videos and training aids, find a clinic near you, tune into Downunder Horsemanship TV program, and find out about America's popular young horse trainer and clinician!
Belle Center, OH 43310
Gaitway Therapy LLC is a physical therapy private practice offering hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback riding for children with special needs. Owner: Renee Casady PT MS HPCS Board Certified Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist and NARHA certified.
(937) 935-2594
gaitway@gaitway.netGaitway Therapy LLC is a physical therapy private practice offering hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback riding for children with special needs. Owner: Renee Casady PT MS HPCS Board Certified Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist and NARHA certified.
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