Lodi, Ohio Horse Directory
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Jevon D. Crumley Racing Stable LLC
P.O. Box 343
Lodi, OH 44254
Thoroughbred race horse trainer. Racing in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. High percentage trainer. As of March 2008: accepting new horses for up-coming meet @ Keeneland & Presque Isle Downs.
Wilderness Ridge FarmLodi, OH 44254
(216) 513-0334
crumleyracing@aol.comThoroughbred race horse trainer. Racing in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. High percentage trainer. As of March 2008: accepting new horses for up-coming meet @ Keeneland & Presque Isle Downs.
8884 Congress Rd
Lodi, OH 44254
Nationwide horse transportation service. Horse owners that treat your horse the way you would treat your own.
Lodi, OH 44254
(330) 948-8484
ajsearcey@yahoo.comNationwide horse transportation service. Horse owners that treat your horse the way you would treat your own.
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