Medina, Ohio Horse Directory
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Cessna Stables, LLC

Visit Cessna Stables, LLC's Facebook Page
Medina, OH
(330) 461-2318
cessnastables@yahoo.comCessna Stables in Medina, OH, offers riding lessons, dressage lessons, horse boarding, and training for your horse. We specialize in improving the rider's seat, balance, and proper use of core muscles. Beginners are welcome; it's better to start off right than have to spend lots of time correcting bad habits! If you're having trouble feeling confident at a trot or canter, difficulty communicating with your horse, or difficulty getting him to listen to you - we can help! We specialize in adult riders - advanced, new, or returning - and those that ride for the fun of it! We can also improve your show ring success! Our lessons are based in Classical Dressage. We offer trailer-in lessons, lessons on school horses (call for availability), and occasionally travel lessons (trip charge applies). Full board includes daily turnout! Give us a call or check out our website!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Riding Instructors
- Horse Leasing Stables
7429 River Styx Road
Medina, OH 44256
National and local horse transport.
Cornerstone FarmMedina, OH 44256
(330) 350-6752
CMPEquine@gmail.comNational and local horse transport.
6809 Beach Rd
Medina, OH 44256
Cornerstone Farm is a premium horse riding facility specializing in hunter/jumper. We cater to riders and horses of all ages and abilities. Our lessons and training plans are designed to guarantee you success in reaching your goals, whether they are simply improving your riding, fixing a problem with your horse, or competitively showing in the "A" circuit. We are committed to the highest standards of care and services at down to earth prices in a fun-friendly atmosphere. We also have a variety of quality horses for sale or lease. Visit our website to learn more.
Horsehaven StablesMedina, OH 44256
(330) 696-4304
info@cornerstonefarmohio.comCornerstone Farm is a premium horse riding facility specializing in hunter/jumper. We cater to riders and horses of all ages and abilities. Our lessons and training plans are designed to guarantee you success in reaching your goals, whether they are simply improving your riding, fixing a problem with your horse, or competitively showing in the "A" circuit. We are committed to the highest standards of care and services at down to earth prices in a fun-friendly atmosphere. We also have a variety of quality horses for sale or lease. Visit our website to learn more.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
3587 Ridge Rd
Medina, OH 44256
One hour private lessons. Horse boarding and training. Trail riding and fox hunting. Horse sales.
Lookaway FarmMedina, OH 44256
(330) 241-2256
One hour private lessons. Horse boarding and training. Trail riding and fox hunting. Horse sales.
6980 Boneta Rd
Medina, OH 44256
Lookaway Farm is a family oriented stable offering full training for the horse and rider. Specializing in saddleseat, huntseat and harness. Morgan Show horses with national, regional and local championships. Riding and driving instruction for the beginner to the advanced levels.
North Star Farms LLCMedina, OH 44256
(330) 620-8106
kflower@lookawayfarm.comLookaway Farm is a family oriented stable offering full training for the horse and rider. Specializing in saddleseat, huntseat and harness. Morgan Show horses with national, regional and local championships. Riding and driving instruction for the beginner to the advanced levels.
- Morgan Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Saddleseat Stables
- Driving Stables

Visit North Star Farms LLC's Facebook Page
2250 Ridgewood Road
Medina, OH 44256
(215) 513-3074
NorthStarFarmsHJ@yahoo.comNorth Star Farms offers an educational, fun, goal oriented environment, which encourages children and adults to succeed at their highest ability in the equine world.
Concentrating on hunters, North Star Farms prides itself on developing the rider's equitation and horsemanship while enjoying the barn and all it has to offer.
We offer lessons, training, boarding, and showing in the hunter jumper disciplines.
Ashley Areddy is North Star Farms' head trainer.
Ashley Areddy is the head coach of both North Star Farms IEA team and the Oberlin College Hunt Seat IHSA team. The North Star Farms IEA team is for children from 6th to 12th grade. This program concentrates solely on equitation and is a wonderful program for any rider.
North Star Farms offers a wide variety of shows you can attend, from academy to rated.
Feel free to call or email Ashley Areddy above.

Visit Triple H Care's Facebook Page
4515 State Road
Medina, OH 44256
(440) 781-7966
(330) 704-0293
triplehcare@hotmail.comHelp for Homes with Horses. Affordable horse, animal, and home care. Take a worry free break. Triple H serves Medina, Stark, Summit, and Wayne counties. Call Jacquie @ 440-781-7966 for a free introductory meeting today!
3578 Hamlin Rd
Medina, OH 44256
Willow Creek Vet is a mixed animal practice offering ambulatory as well as in hospital care of horses, cats, and dogs. Services provided by Dr. Sandra Gebhart and Dr. Nicole Naso. We travel to all areas of Medina, Summit, Lorain, Cuyahoga, and Wayne counties. We offer compassionate, high quality veterinary medicine as scheduled appointments and on an emergency basis. Full service.
Schwung FarmMedina, OH 44256
(330) 410-4899
willowcreekvet@zoominternet.netWillow Creek Vet is a mixed animal practice offering ambulatory as well as in hospital care of horses, cats, and dogs. Services provided by Dr. Sandra Gebhart and Dr. Nicole Naso. We travel to all areas of Medina, Summit, Lorain, Cuyahoga, and Wayne counties. We offer compassionate, high quality veterinary medicine as scheduled appointments and on an emergency basis. Full service.
Boneta Rd
Medina, OH 44256
Schwung Farm is located near Sharon Center, Ohio on 20 beautiful acres with an indoor ring (rubber footing), an olympic size outdoor ring (all-weather footing) and an inviting X-country course. Taking students. Fallon Walker trains out Schwung Farms.
A Kindred HeartMedina, OH 44256
(330) 239-5377
(330) 760-4921
FWDressage@schwungfarm.comSchwung Farm is located near Sharon Center, Ohio on 20 beautiful acres with an indoor ring (rubber footing), an olympic size outdoor ring (all-weather footing) and an inviting X-country course. Taking students. Fallon Walker trains out Schwung Farms.
Medina, OH 44256
Retirement for geriatric horses. Boarding facility dedicated to caring for retired senior horses. Tender care with different levels of service to meet your horse's needs.
(330) 835-7543
reagolden@aol.comRetirement for geriatric horses. Boarding facility dedicated to caring for retired senior horses. Tender care with different levels of service to meet your horse's needs.
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