Muskingum County, Ohio Horse Directory
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Lazy 'A' Stables

9635 Union Hill Rd
Blue Rock, OH 43720
(740) 674-4823
torial73@gmail.comHave you always wanted to be around horses? Do you enjoy seeing them in a field or performing at a show? If so, then Lazy 'A' Stables might be for you. Come and meet our lesson horses. Learn to groom and care for horses and gain an understanding of why horses behave the way the do.
Each lesson includes safety around horses, grooming, and ground work. Riders can choose Western or English styles and learn for fun, casual riding, or the show ring.
* Lessons are 2 hours @ $20 (as of July 2012)
4020 Holbein Drive
Zanesville, OH 43701
Foundation Quarter Horses for sale and stud service.
Vance Equine TrainingZanesville, OH 43701
(740) 607-4020
(740) 452-1313
parkerqh@columbus.rr.comFoundation Quarter Horses for sale and stud service.
Frazeysburg, OH 43822
Offering quality training at your location.
Services in starting, breaking, finishing, conditioning, showing, and lessons.
(740) 607-4736
vance_equine@yahoo.comOffering quality training at your location.
Services in starting, breaking, finishing, conditioning, showing, and lessons.
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