Crooksville, Ohio Horse Directory
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Hoofs Rescue

PO Box 142
Crooksville, OH 43731
H.O.O.F.S. - Helping Our Old Friends Survive.
Non profit organization. 501c 3 group. Safe home for unwanted or neglected farm animals.

Visit WHINNY Horse Rescue - Why Horses In Need... Need You!'s Facebook Page
14076 Twp Rd 203 NE
Crooksville, OH 43731
(740) 982-1257
mary@whinnyhorserescue.orgW.H.I.N.N.Y. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization located on 94+ acres in Perry County, Ohio. We offer refuge, rehabilitation, and adoption to abused, neglected, and unwanted horses.
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