Ravenna, Ohio Horse Directory
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Edge of Freedom Farms
Visit Edge of Freedom Farms' Facebook Page
5930 Vair Road
Ravenna, OH 44266
(216) 905-4353
carolyn@edgeoffreedom.comWe are a full care boarding facility offering stall cleaning and turnout 7 days/week, blanketing services, owner-supplied supplementing, and on-site educational clinics (extra fee). We encourage natural handling skills. Plenty of turnout provides physically, mentally, and socially healthy horses.
6940 Peck Rd
Ravenna, OH 44266
We are a full-care facility that offers something for everyone, from the horse that just needs turn-out to the most experienced show person. We have a 60x200 indoor arena, a 200x300 outdoor arena, miles of trails, a washrack, and a heated lounge. We grain 2x a day with generous hay feedings through out the day. We turn-out daily, weather permitting. $400/month (as of Aug 2009).
Ravenna, OH 44266
(330) 472-8231
Toproyaldeebar@neo.rr.comWe are a full-care facility that offers something for everyone, from the horse that just needs turn-out to the most experienced show person. We have a 60x200 indoor arena, a 200x300 outdoor arena, miles of trails, a washrack, and a heated lounge. We grain 2x a day with generous hay feedings through out the day. We turn-out daily, weather permitting. $400/month (as of Aug 2009).
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