Stark County, Ohio Horse Directory
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Abstract Horse Art
324 Cleveland Ave NW
Canton, OH 44702
Equine and animal artist, Sue Steiner. Oil paintings are offered for sale. Colorful, lively, expressive, fun, and make great gifts. Commissions available.
C and C ConstructionCanton, OH 44702
(330) 957-0204
(330) 857-2404
artbysuesteiner@gmail.comEquine and animal artist, Sue Steiner. Oil paintings are offered for sale. Colorful, lively, expressive, fun, and make great gifts. Commissions available.
6495 Shepler Church Ave SW
Navarre, OH 44662
Your area Lester dealer. Equestrian horse stall and riding arena builders in Ohio. Many options available. Call today.
Willis Childress
Fairy Tail EquineNavarre, OH 44662
(330) 309-7757
willischildress@yahoo.comYour area Lester dealer. Equestrian horse stall and riding arena builders in Ohio. Many options available. Call today.
Willis Childress
Alliance, OH 44601
Graduate of Heartland Horseshoeing School with 4 years' experience. I am a member of the American Farriers Association and am currently working on becoming certified through them. My goal is to provide the best hoof care I possibly can for most breeds and disciplines. Whether it be shoes or just a trim, I believe quality is essential. I provide quality care for every horse. I am very reliable and punctual; also very willing to work with clients and veterinarians when problems arise.
Hunters Run Farm(330) 206-7561
e_walborn@yahoo.comGraduate of Heartland Horseshoeing School with 4 years' experience. I am a member of the American Farriers Association and am currently working on becoming certified through them. My goal is to provide the best hoof care I possibly can for most breeds and disciplines. Whether it be shoes or just a trim, I believe quality is essential. I provide quality care for every horse. I am very reliable and punctual; also very willing to work with clients and veterinarians when problems arise.
6302 Keiffe Ave SW
Canton, OH 44706
Horse rescue and trail riding. Trying to find good homes for good horses.
Jemily Horse ParkCanton, OH 44706
(330) 488-9786
(330) 280-6369
huntersrunfarm@mail.comHorse rescue and trail riding. Trying to find good homes for good horses.

Visit Jemily Horse Park's Facebook Page
6999 Oakhill Ave NE
Alliance, OH 44601
(330) 829-3841
info@jemilyhorsepark.comJemily Horse Park is Northeast Ohio's Extreme Obstacle Course, with over 30 permanent outdoor obstacles for riders of all levels and disciplines to practice their horsemanship skills and gain confidence and trust in their horse. Admission is $20 per horse (as of Sept 2013). Visit our website for seasonal hours. Private Reservation also available. Great place for a riding meeting with a seating pavilion overlooking the obstacle course. Call 330-829-3841 to make your reservation today. Keep posted on Facebook for park events and updates.

Visit McBride Horseshoeing's Facebook Page
Louisville, OH 44641
(330) 268-8197
lorimcbride54@yahoo.comHot and cold shoeing. Balanced trimming. Six week guarantee. Horses treated with kindness and patience.

Visit McKinney Stables' Facebook Page
Louisville, OH 44641
(330) 283-8016
mckinneystablesohio@gmail.comBoarding Services
This beautiful boarding stable is located on McKinney Farm which is 120 plus acres. An outdoor arena and scenic riding trails are just many of the amenities that are offered. We offer a large tack area. Plenty of pasture area for your precious horse as well as you to call home. There is also a big run in for horses to come in from weather.
Services provided are daily stall cleaning and twice daily feedings. Daily turn out and lots of room for roaming. Call Tom today to get more detailed information about McKinney Stables.
Full Care | $250.00 per month
Semi Care | $210.00 per month
Pasture 1 | $150.00 per month
Pasture 2 | $100.00 per month
(as of Sept 2013)

Visit Pegasus Farm's Facebook Page
7490 Edison Street NE
Hartville, OH 44632
(330) 935-2300
Pegasus Farm is a non-profit organization providing therapeutic horseback riding experiences for people with disabilities. Riders escape their braces, crutches and wheel chairs, replacing them with the gentle gait of a well-trained horse.
Canton, OH 44714
Pencil drawings and sketches by artist Kelli Swan. Featuring horse and dog art and portraits in pencil or pen and ink. Kelli Swan is an award-winning horse and dog artist. These black and white illustrations are available for purchase as horse art prints and dog breed prints.
SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program(330) 933-5013
Pencil drawings and sketches by artist Kelli Swan. Featuring horse and dog art and portraits in pencil or pen and ink. Kelli Swan is an award-winning horse and dog artist. These black and white illustrations are available for purchase as horse art prints and dog breed prints.

Visit SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program's Facebook Page
65 Aurora Industrial Parkway
Aurora, OH 44720
(866) 270-7939
marketing@succeed-equine.comEquine digestive supplement.
SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program® gives you more of what your horse needs for total health. Good health means a happier horse that is more capable of being whatever it needs to be... a better producer, a better performer, or just an all-around better horse.
SUCCEED® helps avoid serious health problems.
SUCCEED® supports natural health and immunity to reduce the risks of ulcers, colic, and other serious health issues.
SUCCEED® improves nutrient absorption.
SUCCEED® helps the GI tract digest nutrients and get energy from feed and other supplements for a healthy appetite, weight, stamina, and ability to recover more quickly from exercise.
SUCCEED® improves performance and behavior.
Whether your horse is a brood mare or a stallion, an older horse or a foal, an active performance horse, or just your best friend, SUCCEED® can make a real difference for you.
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