Louisville, Ohio Horse Directory
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McBride Horseshoeing

Visit McBride Horseshoeing's Facebook Page
Louisville, OH 44641
(330) 268-8197
lorimcbride54@yahoo.comHot and cold shoeing. Balanced trimming. Six week guarantee. Horses treated with kindness and patience.

Visit McKinney Stables' Facebook Page
Louisville, OH 44641
(330) 283-8016
mckinneystablesohio@gmail.comBoarding Services
This beautiful boarding stable is located on McKinney Farm which is 120 plus acres. An outdoor arena and scenic riding trails are just many of the amenities that are offered. We offer a large tack area. Plenty of pasture area for your precious horse as well as you to call home. There is also a big run in for horses to come in from weather.
Services provided are daily stall cleaning and twice daily feedings. Daily turn out and lots of room for roaming. Call Tom today to get more detailed information about McKinney Stables.
Full Care | $250.00 per month
Semi Care | $210.00 per month
Pasture 1 | $150.00 per month
Pasture 2 | $100.00 per month
(as of Sept 2013)
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