Richfield, Ohio Horse Directory
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Horse Trainer
Richfield, OH 44286
Experienced horse trainer. Northeast Ohio. Breaking, training, and conditioning - all breeds. Specializing in incorrigible horses. Gentle but firm. References available.
Hunters Hill Farm(216) 789-9564
jetboy357@roadrunner.comExperienced horse trainer. Northeast Ohio. Breaking, training, and conditioning - all breeds. Specializing in incorrigible horses. Gentle but firm. References available.

Visit Hunters Hill Farm's Facebook Page
4923 W Streetsboro Rd
Richfield, OH 44286
(330) 571-5007
dressagerider7531@msn.comHunters Hill Farm is a quiet, full service facility that offers English riding lessons to children and adults. We specialize in dressage, eventing, and hunters. We have several quiet and capable school horses for our lessons. Some horses are also available for lease and half lease. Hunters Hill also offers full service boarding. We offer seven day a week stall cleaning, seven day a week turnout (weather permitting), blanketing, two feedings of high quality hay and grain per day, a brand new 60' X 150' indoor arena with a heated viewing room, and a hot and cold wash stall.
4357 Kiowa Rd
Richfield, OH 44286
Horse training, breaking, conditioning, and helping problem horses. Owner horse handling. Riding on location in northeast Ohio. 30 years' exp.
Bravata AndalusiansRichfield, OH 44286
(216) 789-9564
IncorrigibleHorse@gmail.comHorse training, breaking, conditioning, and helping problem horses. Owner horse handling. Riding on location in northeast Ohio. 30 years' exp.
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