Plain City, Ohio Horse Directory
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Horse Stables
9898 Hwy 42 N
Plain City, OH 43064
- horse boarding stables
- 13500 square foot barn with indoor riding arena
- 10x10 stalls
- tack room
- hay loft
- public rest room
- wash stall
- pastures
- 10 mins from 270
- close to Plain City, Delaware, Marysville, and Dublin
- call Steve for information at 614-716-8559
Plain City, OH 43064
(614) 716-8559 horse boarding stables
- 13500 square foot barn with indoor riding arena
- 10x10 stalls
- tack room
- hay loft
- public rest room
- wash stall
- pastures
- 10 mins from 270
- close to Plain City, Delaware, Marysville, and Dublin
- call Steve for information at 614-716-8559
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