Oklahoma Horse Directory
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Newalla Livery
Newalla, OK 74857
The Newalla Livery is a family owned and operated business. We have worked hard to provide a comfortable place for people traveling with or without horses to stay overnight. We have 4 inside stalls as well as a large outside grazing/holding pen. Only one room available at this time. Our rooms have a kitchenette, restrooms with shower,a queen size bed, a TV, and an outside deck. For those who like to fish, we have a stocked pond for catch and release. We are located on the east of Oklahoma City just off I-40 with easy access. We hope to see you soon. Wireless internet coming soon.
(405) 760-6651
spottedcircle@msn.comThe Newalla Livery is a family owned and operated business. We have worked hard to provide a comfortable place for people traveling with or without horses to stay overnight. We have 4 inside stalls as well as a large outside grazing/holding pen. Only one room available at this time. Our rooms have a kitchenette, restrooms with shower,a queen size bed, a TV, and an outside deck. For those who like to fish, we have a stocked pond for catch and release. We are located on the east of Oklahoma City just off I-40 with easy access. We hope to see you soon. Wireless internet coming soon.
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