Pontotoc County, Oklahoma Horse Directory
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S.E.A. Horse Farm / Ovations Only
Ada, OK 74820
AQHA Quarter Horse stallion at stud. S.E.A. Horse Farm owns and stands at stud the superior western pleasure earner Ovations Only. Ovations Only is by the legendary sire Invitation Only and out of an own daughter of the late great Flashy Zipper. AQHA show prospects for sale.
(580) 272-9098
(641) 330-1101
tena@ovationsonly.comAQHA Quarter Horse stallion at stud. S.E.A. Horse Farm owns and stands at stud the superior western pleasure earner Ovations Only. Ovations Only is by the legendary sire Invitation Only and out of an own daughter of the late great Flashy Zipper. AQHA show prospects for sale.
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