Boring, Oregon Horse Directory
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Braeberry Farm
11919 SE 272nd Ave
Boring, OR 97009
We aim to have fun raising and sharing all colors of Fell ponies. Fells are a British Native pony the family can enjoy together. We'd love to share ours with you.
DC BuildingBoring, OR 97009
(503) 663-0868
info@braeberry.comWe aim to have fun raising and sharing all colors of Fell ponies. Fells are a British Native pony the family can enjoy together. We'd love to share ours with you.

Visit DC Building's Facebook Page
35645 SE Dunn Rd
Boring, OR 97009
(888) 975-2057
info@dcbuilding.comDC Building is a full-service design & build contractor specializing in the design and construction of custom barns, riding arenas, and other equestrian facilities. Headquartered in the Pacific Northwest, DC Building offers their design services internationally and sends their experienced crews to build projects across the United States.
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