Redmond, Oregon Horse Directory
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Martingale Equine Solutions
8062 S Hwy 97
Redmond, OR 97756
Horse rehabilitation center. Riding lessons in hunter/jumpers, dressage for jumpers, western, and Esquela Equestra Calvary style riding. Horse and rider connection seminars. Apprenticeship program. Personalized video training available.
RES Equine Products Inc.Redmond, OR 97756
(541) 350-9175
(541) 408-4853
jvonhaas@gentlehorse.comHorse rehabilitation center. Riding lessons in hunter/jumpers, dressage for jumpers, western, and Esquela Equestra Calvary style riding. Horse and rider connection seminars. Apprenticeship program. Personalized video training available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables

Visit RES Equine Products Inc.'s Facebook Page
1440 NW 87th Street
Redmond, OR 97756
(541) 604-1919
jamie@resboot.comThe newest innovative bell boots with REPLACEABLE VELCRO! Many colored velcro straps to choose from; replace the velcro, not the boot! Are you tired of paying to much for a new pair of boots when the velcro wears out? Go with RES and have a new pair of boots for pennies on the dollar. Check out our newest sport boots in 4 colors. Orders can be placed on our website.
347 SE Jackson
Redmond, OR 97756
Orchard, Timothy, and Alfalfa. Quality horse hay delivered and squeeze unloaded, direct from the farm to your barn. Call today.
Cline Falls Ranch, LLCRedmond, OR 97756
(541) 519-6340
ts.socalhay@yahoo.comOrchard, Timothy, and Alfalfa. Quality horse hay delivered and squeeze unloaded, direct from the farm to your barn. Call today.
Redmond, OR 97756
Offers an indoor lighted arena, an outdoor arena, stalls and shelters with runs, 200 acres of pasture, full care boarding by the day, week or month, round pen, and electric and water RV hook ups. Centrally located and minutes from great trail riding.
Coyote Ridge Ranch / Peterson Performance Horses, LLC(541) 923-6372
gsbridge@bendbroadband.comOffers an indoor lighted arena, an outdoor arena, stalls and shelters with runs, 200 acres of pasture, full care boarding by the day, week or month, round pen, and electric and water RV hook ups. Centrally located and minutes from great trail riding.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
Redmond, OR 97756
Find your next working cow horse, cutting, reining, or roping prospect. Our foals are athletic, with good conformation, minds, and muscles. We breed for all performance areas including team penning, heeling, heading, barrel racing, and more!
Debby's Tack Wash and Repair(206) 909-5654
PetersonPerformanceHorses@msn.comFind your next working cow horse, cutting, reining, or roping prospect. Our foals are athletic, with good conformation, minds, and muscles. We breed for all performance areas including team penning, heeling, heading, barrel racing, and more!
Redmond, OR 97756
Horse blanket washing and repair. New and used tack for sale. Clipper blade sharpening.
Sisters View Clydesdales(541) 548-1900
tawashanrepair@qwestoffice.netHorse blanket washing and repair. New and used tack for sale. Clipper blade sharpening.
Redmond, OR 97756
Sisters View Clydesdales in Redmond, Oregon raises, sells, and exhibits champion black Clydesdales and has two studs available for breeding purposes.
Teresa's Tack Wash & Repair(541) 923-3704
jerry@sistersview.comSisters View Clydesdales in Redmond, Oregon raises, sells, and exhibits champion black Clydesdales and has two studs available for breeding purposes.
Redmond, OR 97756
Ensure your horse's health with services for horse blankets, saddles and halters from Teresa's Tack Wash & Repair.
(541) 548-1900
Ensure your horse's health with services for horse blankets, saddles and halters from Teresa's Tack Wash & Repair.
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